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Compensation Request - Solgaard

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Well-known member
In-game Name: Solgaard
Steam ID: 76561198078856797
Date this happened: 12/09/2015
The Server this happened on.: Server 1
Please provide full detail and evidence: Me and a friend did a Roleplay HM Treasury. We had £3.000.000 worth of gold. When i was done selling the 24 gold bars, the server crashes. This happened around 8:50PM.
Link to any evidence:
Lost items and total value of compensation.: 24 gold bars sold with 25% perk. A total of £3.000.000 as seen in the video.
Please confirm you have read and understand our Compensation Request terms: Yes

@Solgaard I do not see the server crash in the Video?

No but the time stood still, @DELETER and @Andreas Lykke can confirm it if needed.

http://plays.tv/video/566977fce46f7d7ed1/logging-out-with-3-000-000 This video shows me logging out with 3.000.000 while a yellow chain was showing. I synced my data twice throughout both videos. I logged into server 2 and the 3.000.000 were lost.

I am sure some logs of the server will show it going down at the time i was playing.

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Thank you!




Please Contact Gregory or TheSolider VIA TS Within the next 48 Hours, Any problems Contact me.

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