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Compensation Request - SneakyManSteve - Altis Life

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Staff Team
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Los Santos Police
In the clouds
Compensation Request

In-game Name: SmackheadSteve

Game: Altis Life

Steam ID: 257484

The date when this happened: 18/02/21

Please provide full detail and evidence: I had just bought gear And tried to log off in a car and said I became incapacitated and so I joined back and all my gear had gone

Link to any evidence:

Lost items and total value of compensation: Ghillie - 75k Spar 17 & Rook,mags for guns and attachments - 259k TOTAL= 334k

Please confirm you have read and understand our Compensation Request terms: Yes

Thankyou for your submission

Our staff team will get back to you in this topic ASAP! In the meantime please ensure the details you have submitted above are correct.

Me logging off

Me aborting and dying

Logging back in to find no gear

 proof of gear


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Hello @SneakyManSteve

I can see that the screenshots which you have provided are taken from a video. Could you please upload the video and post a link to it here once that is done. As I am unable to fully gauge what has happened from the evidence provided.


I can see that you were downed just as you disconnected and thus have lost the gear which you had on you at the time of dying, the screenshots without the gear also match the timeframe of you logging back on. As a result of that I will be issuing Full compensation for the following items which were lost:

  • Spar-17 7.62mm (Sand) - £125,000
  • Rook-40 9mm - £12,500
  • x22 7.62mm 20rd mags - £50,000
  • x2 9mm 30rd mags - £700
  • Flashlight - £1,000
  • Kahlia (Tan) - £55,000
  • Bipod (Black) (NATO) - £7,500
  • Full Ghille (Semi-Arid) (AAF) - £75,000

Total amount of Compensation due: £326,700

Sorry for any inconvenience this situation may have caused.

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