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Compensation Request - SGT Goku (Completed)

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SGT Goku

Well-known member
In-game Name: Piggy Farmer Williams
Steam ID: 76561198018933350
Date this happened: 03/13/2017
The Server this happened on.: Server 1
Please provide full detail and evidence: So me and Time Williams and Donkey Williams were making a Heroin Run, as we know the field its at the dodgy daves Red Zone, when we had our trucks full and we were leaving we start taking shots ( wich is normal ) although we managed to get out of there and we though , ok we will need to be carefull as he will want to rob us, so in the video you can see me getting my money for the heroin license, 150k, and also my Carrier rig + paramilitary fatigues + defender helmet + trg20+ aco scope and my truck, but its after i take the money out that it gets interesting, i dont recall the players name at this point but Staff Team Ponty might, the guy comes with an iffrit and just starts VDMing Time Williams, and i let time pass to see what the guy would do,and as you can see in the video he just vdmed me straight into the house, after this the player got Banned for Poor Quality RP /Fail RP ( due to HANDS UP OR DIE initiation, wich is not accepted in this comunity ) so i though put this Comp Request to see if i could get some of my stuff back at least
Link to any evidence:

Lost items and total value of compensation.: Paramilitary Garb [Tee] £10,000
Defender Helmet [Hex] £850
Viper Harness [All] £5,000
CTRG Plate Carrier Rig / Carrier Rig [All] £7,500
TRG-20 5.56mm £50,000
ACO SMG (Red/Green) £5,000
NV Goggles (Brown) £2,000
Money on Hand 150 000
Total : 230 350 - Without Mags and First Aid Kits wich i dont have a video showing how many i had so its kinda hard to tell
PS: i dont know if Ponty remembers it but my truck also despawned before my friends could do anything to me ( revive me with defibs and take care of that guy ) so i lost a Tempest Covered with 575 cargo space full with heroin , so its 95 Unprocessed Heroin Inside wich goes for
Unprocessed Heroin £2,250 x95 = 213 750

Wich makes a Grand total of : 444 100
Please confirm you have read and understand our Compensation Request terms: Yes
Hello @SGT Goku are you sure you don't have video of the guy's name in the ifrit? 

And do you have any more footage of item's that you have lost?

 i dont im sorry, i do know that his name was something along Elaksy or Eaksy , Ins Ponty might recall his name as he watched him  Fail RP my buddys and killing theam, also i do have a video of me leaving the Heroin Field with the Heroin in the truck and my Inv but only that, as i didnt knew i was going to get VDMed i did not record my inventory, the only thing that cannot be seen in that video anyways is my mags and first aids,  And you can question Ponty that guy was banned after arround 30min of vdming me  

Thx for the attention @Madmatt150 

@Ponty Do you recall this situation?  sry for tagging you :(

@SGT Goku Do you have move video evidence of you in the downed state till you respawned please. 

I am sorry i dont, i can get you up to 9min before that, but i only recorded me getting VDMed

Right @SGT Goku I'm happy to issue compensation though this will be missing the heroin as it wasn't present in the video. As our policy is comp what we see I cannot hand out money for something which I did not see.

Accepted for 231,850 pounds.

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