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Compensation Request - Scott_Lee12 - GTA RP

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A/PS Adam Lee

Los Santos Police Senior
Los Santos Police Senior

Character Name: Steve Lee
Character ID: 108916
Steam ID: 76561199648644854
Game: GTA RP
Date: Jul 14, 2024
Please Provide Full Details: When Waking up I went to the Bin job and asked 3 people to do bins they said yes we was then on route to a 38 bin job after completing the bin job the player who was leader logged straight away with the money
Link(s) To Any Evidence: https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/igBQRGkukQ6bsOIhh/d1337EOCinEH?invite=cr-MSxYRWwsMjUxMjYzNTAzLA
Lost Items & Total Value Of Compensation 322k
: Yes
Hello @Scott_Lee12,

Thanks for opening a compensation request!

After having taken a look into this compensation request we unfortunately will need to deny this for the following reasons:
Even though the person that received the money combat logged on you, you were never in possesion of the cash you are claiming compensation for.
Because of this we could never be sure what could or would have happened between you within roleplay and whether you would be walking away with that cash at the end of it.

So in terms of how to continue, you have done the work for some money but weren't paid at all, there is some ways to pursue this lost labour within roleplay, however you will need to find out in RP how to proceed further.

For future reference as well, when claiming compensation requests in regards to server rule breaks you must link the (succesful) player report in here as well.
This also means you would need to report the player that broke a rule.

See the compensation guidelines here: Link

Have a wonderful day!
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