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Compensation Request - Rozi (Refused)

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Active member
In-game Name: Rozi
Steam ID: 76561198065621168
Date this happened: 10/01/2017
The Server this happened on.: Server 1
Please provide full detail and evidence: Well I was flying my Hummingbird around Kavala when I suddenly lost connection to the server and i crashed and died. My friend maddog also has a recording

Link to any evidence:

Lost items and total value of compensation.: I had full gear on, an MX 6.5 with mags, MRCO and Bipod, also had diving gear,. around 250k I believe
Please confirm you have read and understand our Compensation Request terms: Yes
Firstly i'd need more evidence if I was to grant you compensation for the incident, secondly it sounds like it was a problem on your part with your connection dropping and not a fault on our part. 

Would your friends video be able to prove otherwise?

I'm going to get Mad Dog to give me the clip, thing is I did not lose connection to the internet as I was still actively talking with everyone on teamspeak, I just lost the game connection

Unfortuantely i'm going to have to deny this compensation request due to this appearing to be a fault on your part (Your ISP's part most likely) and not due to any issues regarding the server. 

Compensation Refused.

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