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Compensation Request - Rastafari - GTA RP

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Well-known member

Character Name: Koi Leen
Character ID: 57557
Steam ID: 76561197993079379
Game: GTA RP
Date: Jun 20, 2024
Please Provide Full Details: Well its kind of a long story - But shortly i had a storage container in the city i had a lot of cocaine stored there and except that i had much more stored there in terms of materials but i cant really prove that and i dont really remember the whole content of the container but the whole situation that i was about to pay to extend the container rent but i've been banned and i couldn't get it extended and when i've got back i've found i have no container and all of the content in it.

I'm kinda lost what to do so i was curious if you guys able to help me with that. if there something i can provide ill try to do it.
Link(s) To Any Evidence: None ATM but ill try to find records of the container
Lost Items & Total Value Of Compensation the container and 10k cocaine pretty much all the other stuff like weapons and materials are something i cannot point for sure and prove.
: Yes
The only thing i do remember right now is The number of the container #120 and the passwords i had so if that helps i can provide with that still looking for old records to find anything useful for you
Hey @Rastafari as per the Compensation Guidelines this is not something that we would provide compensation for as you were banned in January and only unbanned this week, meaning while you were unable to pay to extend your ledger to cover the cost of the container 'rent' this is due to your fault.

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