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Compensation Request - RaptorBanzai (Completed)

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New member
In-game Name: [OPC] Raptor
Steam ID: 76561198067254312
Date this happened: 12/05/18
The Server this happened on.: Server 1
Please provide full detail and evidence: (this happened approx 1-2pm)

As seen in the video my gang had captured the ConAir and we had bought a Huron, we had taken out the Cash out of the box at Conair as well as some money that was left in the box prior to purchasing the Huron. we fly to the Money Launderer. I processed all of the cash not knowing about a bug that kicks you for laundering large quantities of cash at once. and immediately after laundering the £7.402 million I get a mission failed which booted me to the lobby. upon reconnecting I had neither the cash or the unlaundered money.

The timestamped Link to evidence is us flying to the launderer and events immidiately afterwards. the whole video also includes us acquiring the unlaundered cash if you care to watch it.
Link to any evidence:

Lost items and total value of compensation.: £7,402,000.00 Cash (can be seen for a few frames at https://youtu.be/YGN9HeHm-4U?t=7m51s)
Please confirm you have read and understand our Compensation Request terms: Yes

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Where did you get the money to buy the Huron in the first place? And why is there a cut at 6:51?

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I acquired the money for the Huron through combined cash earned as well as mutual the sale of gang assets which can be heard as me saying "its what happened after I sold the shed", (referring to a gang-owned Industrial shed/warehouse which sold for £15m) I said this right after I got the mission failed and believed I had retained the cash due to the popup. the mission failed issue had also occurred after the gang asset was sold. however, I didn't end up losing the cash when that happened and so didn't save the recording of that being sold. 

as I was using shadow-play to record. the cut @6:51 is me shift-tabbing which showed personal information I had up on the steam overlay I was checking while on the uneventful flight to the launderer. (Edited Screenshot if its any consolation https://gyazo.com/2c31ee2c034f94186f24b91277425fbb )  I didn't deem it necessary to include this in a public video and as I didn't see it as a big deal I didn't deem it necessary to make a more detailed edit. if you wish I can upload the entire thing but you won't find anything interesting 😛

Also, the audio skips or loops occasionally in the video. this was not done by me and I can only assume its an error on the recording or uploading. 

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Compensation amount: 7,402,500

Please be patient as only certain members of staff are able to issue the compensation into your account.

Locked & Moved

Now that you’ve been compensated for what you’ve lost, it might be an idea to join our Steam Group and Discord to get more involved with the community!

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