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Compensation Request - Radostin (Refused)

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Active member
Bulgaria , Montana
In-game Name: Radostin
Steam ID: 76561198117224450
Date this happened: 06/28/2017
The Server this happened on.: Server 2
Please provide full detail and evidence: I was giving me friend gear for fighht but I changet me mind to dont losse it and when I tried to pick it up I cant pcik it up the same think as me MX C I think comp.
Link to any evidence:

Lost items and total value of compensation.: Ghillie suit AAF lush-arid : 100k
green vest armor 4 with 5 first aid kits 3 rock pistol mags and 5 M14 ammo

Please confirm you have read and understand our Compensation Request terms: Yes
I literally cannot read anything to confirm what you're actually trying to move in that video.

Do you have any clearer evidence at all?

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