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Compensation Request - MartinPure

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In-game Name: Martin
Steam ID: 76561197988976233
Date this happened: 07/19/2016
The Server this happened on.: Server 1
Please provide full detail and evidence: So i took my car out of the garage, and it blew up and sendt me flying 20++ km in the air, I RUSHED to my OBS to start recording, to see if i manage to get a evidence, but only got it landing, i have extra proof of what gear i had yesterday before i logged out, if that helps? here is evidence: http://imgur.com/oD6XWFc
Link to any evidence:
https://www.twitch.tv/martinpure/v/78889495 // http://imgur.com/oD6XWFc
Lost items and total value of compensation.: Standard Guerilla Outfits : £5000
Shemag : £850
Combat Goggles : £55
Tactical Vest Khaki : £12,500
Bergen : £4500
Rook-40 9 mm : £25,000 (sale) 12.500 ? i think
TRG-20 : £50,000 (sale) 25.000 i think
RCO : £7000
Flashlight : £2000
NV Goggles (Green) : £1500
Binoculars : £75
GPS : 50

Please confirm you have read and understand our Compensation Request terms: Yes

Sorry for such a late answer, no! no medic came, since i was bugged on the roof of the bulding, i had my mates try to find me, and they told me i was on the roof

Accepted - please try as much as possible to have the incident and gear together as much as possible like in the video, just make it much easier for me to proccess.

Please message me or another member of staff on ts to have this completed

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