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Compensation Request - Jensiboy (Completed)

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North Korea
In-game Name: Mike hawk
Steam ID: 76561198189180176
Date this happened: 02/25/2017
The Server this happened on.: Server 1
Please provide full detail and evidence: Me and my friend (Elias Brown, who also made a compensation request) were going to defend our friends from a hill, when they sold some copper. We spot some guys with guns and decide to leave the area. When we got in our helicopter a military car stopped right next to us, not saying anything at all. As soon as we came of the ground we hit the car and the engine stopped working and we crashed and died. They didn't communicate with us after the crash and just drove away. I'm pretty sure they drove away because they knew they did something wrong. We didn't get the names of anyone in the car. But on the following videos filmed by Elias Brown you can clearly see that the car VDM'd us and left the scene, and later we died (Medics were staying 288 meters away for a very long period of time)
Link to any evidence:

(You need to copy and paste the youtube link)
Lost items and total value of compensation.: 1x MX Rifle: 150k
6x 6.5 mm ammo: 6k
1x Vest: 7.5k
1x RCO Sight: 10k
1x Backpack: 5k
Please confirm you have read and understand our Compensation Request terms: Yes
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For a compensation request under a VDM claim you will need to make a Player report against the people. I will link the form below. Can either yourself or Elias Brown make the player report and post the link here please. @Jensiboy

@Stuart Well, if they never got out of the car how can we report them? We never saw their name, but if you look at the video you can clearly see that we died from VDM and that we had the gear.

@Jensiboy I see one masked player walking about however i am unsure if there is anyone maybe in a longer video that shows their name, main reason i asked. Also do you have proof from your point to show the items you had on yourself?

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@Stuart I do not have a video of my point of view, but you can clearly see that the player "Mike Hawk" (Me) is lying next to Elias Brown who filmed it (youtube video). There you can see my MX if you look closely and my vest.

Compensation Request Accepted for the value of £170,350 As per the items shown above. I apologise for the inconvenience caused by this. Normally we would require a player report for a VDM claim however in your videos you only show masked players around you at this time. 

Due to this i will accept this compensation request. Please remember i have not included the sound suppressor and ammo to the compensation as there is no proof of you having these.

Please contact a member of Staff on teamspeak to get this actioned. @Jensiboy

Please note that we are experiencing difficulties with our system at the moment so compensations may take a while to come through. Because of this, we ask for you to please be patient and to wait for the next wave of compensations to be completed.

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