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Compensation Request - JackPoulter04 (Completed)

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Well-known member
In-game Name: (T.N.S) Jack
Steam ID: 76561198385641216
Date this happened: 09/28/2017
The Server this happened on.: Server 1
Please provide full detail and evidence: I own that garage which used to be next to the bank in Kavala and I owned it for some time now but recently Kavala has had some changes on of them being placing a sign over my garage so now my garage cannot function correctly and I cannot pull my car out. The link below is the evidence of me owning the Garage, I still have 37 days of rent which can be proved in the second link provided, I would like it if I get the full amount of comp which I have paid for as it is also a very popular garage which can be sold for about one million on the forums, Thank you.
Link to any evidence:

Lost items and total value of compensation.: Kavala Garage - 500k
37 days of rent - 20k
Please confirm you have read and understand our Compensation Request terms: Yes

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I'm going to do a bit of digging for this one. If there was a reason why the garage was blocked off, then we can go from there, but if I can get the sign removed for you would that be acceptable?

Can't seem to view the picture any chance of a re-upload to Imgur or something similar.

Also @Gurlanin feel free to tag us next time.

Do you know whether its going to be fixed or not??
The development team will be working on a fix and hopefully will keep you up to date on when and if it is removed (we/they do get busy!). As for the compensation itself due to the nature that it is a bug we will be compensating for the garage cost, but not for the rent remaining, you can sell the garage if you then wish to receive your due payment for the rent.

Compensation due: £500,000

Compensation request awaiting completion

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