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Compensation Request - hxjadz - GTA RP

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Character Name: Jayden Graham
Character ID: 108132
Steam ID: 76561199454416420
Game: GTA RP
Date: Jul 4, 2024
Please Provide Full Details: Me and Jack Micheal were doing a bin run with our in city Mum and Dad signed on for us, we did a full run completely fine, we then did a second run, when we got to around 25 stops the server started to lag making John and Kyla's head pop, we then thought they must have just flown out of city, when we got around Vespucci area we started to feel the lag with picking up the bags and getting on/off the trashmaster, when we got to our 31st stop around 229 turf that's when jacks had popped and so i finished that job and then went to the next around the corner when i went to go get the next job I then disconnected. We then both rejoined the server I picked up Jack in the Trashmaster and took it to the binning place, we tried to make a new crew as ours got disbanded due to the head pops and then assigning the vehicle we used previously and unloading it, this didn't work and resulted us loosing around £500,000 worth of work.
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Lost Items & Total Value Of Compensation Around £500,000
: Yes
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Thank you for taking the time to file a compensation request, we are unable to compensate you for what you potentially could have gained. We could have compensated you for the bin truck if you were the person who rented it, however you were not so we can't issue compensation for anything based on what you have provided.
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