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Compensation Request - emijan30 (Completed)

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Well-known member
In-game Name: Emil
Steam ID: 76561198087848380
Date this happened: 05/21/2017
The Server this happened on.: Server 1
Please provide full detail and evidence: So, i was doing a run with Crystal Meth Boxes and was on the way to the meth dealer. I parked outside Iron Mine and then i got kicked from the server (As you see in the screenshot) It may have been a masskick since some poeple complained in chat about being kicked. I think the clock was about 15:20 when i got kicked.

Link to any evidence:

Lost items and total value of compensation 

56 * 12000 = 672000 $ + i have walter white so i would get 25% extra so

672 000 * 1,25 = 840 000 $

Please confirm you have read and understand our Compensation Request terms: Yes

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You want med to upload the whole video on youtube?(Then im doing it)

The clock of the incident was around 15:20 brittish time 2017-05-21

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It seems i cant upload the file to Youtube, but can i send you the video file private?

To save you uploading the whole video could you please upload a screenshot of you opening your "Y menu", this shows the server up time and thus I can verify the timings you have claimed?

The nearest Y menu opening was after server had been open for 42,14 minutes. https://gyazo.com/d1ef7ac4357b3a22204b73c0541fb6b5 

The Video had been going for 31:26 seconds when the Y menu opened. Next time i got kicked from the server the video had been going for 1:21:17 seconds https://gyazo.com/d648fbd7fe174017ac6a57348fe3669a

1:21:17 is 81,17 minutes long. If i take 81,17 minus 31,26 it is 49,91 minutes long

That is how long it is between the Y menu opening to the kicking of the server.

The server had been up for 42:14 minutes (https://gyazo.com/d1ef7ac4357b3a22204b73c0541fb6b5) and i got kicked 49,91 minutes after


42,14 + 49,91 is 92,05 minutes

So the server had been up for 92,05 minutes which is 1:32:05. 

The server restarts at 13:00 PM in my country. 13:00 + 1:32:05 is 14:32:05

So the time of server was 13:32:05 GMT when i got kicked.

Sorry for writing wrong time stamp. I get the time mixed up beacuse we have diffrent time zone here in Sweden.

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