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Compensation Request - dingbatL - GTA RP

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Active member
Character Name: Lew Cloud
Character ID: 70376
Steam ID: 76561199099698647
Game: GTA RP
Date: Jun 1, 2024
Please Provide Full Details: server went crazy as guns was being transported, the video was in the ticket 23887 that has been closed, we both got kicked with the box on my back got placed in the boot of the car and when we returned the local had gone
Link(s) To Any Evidence: ticket number 23887 due to sensitive information
Lost Items & Total Value Of Compensation x300 smg ammo x1 revolver x1 machine pistol
Character Name: Lew Cloud
Character ID: 70376
Steam ID: 76561199099698647
Game: GTA RP
Date: Jun 1, 2024
Please Provide Full Details: server went crazy as guns was being transported, the video was in the ticket 23887 that has been closed, we both got kicked with the box on my back got placed in the boot of the car and when we returned the local had gone
Link(s) To Any Evidence: ticket number 23887 due to sensitive information
Lost Items & Total Value Of Compensation x300 smg ammo x1 revolver x1 machine pistol

In the footage I have looked at I don't see 300smg ammo, 1 revolver, and a machine pistol collectively together anywhere. The player carrying the box doesn't even seem to be able to access the boot of the car due to the lag. Can you explain this a bit better please as your request is not very detailed.
i had them in my possesion on a box in my back, i believe the server was being ddos'd at the time.. i put the box into the boot, in the clip provided my friend gets booted from the server as i do this, i had not yet been kicked but was stuck in an animation & was taking damage due to being dehydrated i then get kicked and return to the server with no box on my back nor the car we drove there with, we had been kicked due to the server being ddos'd i had plenty of other guns in another box, im not trying to claim i lost something i never if thats what your implications was, thanks @Logan
i had them in my possesion on a box in my back, i believe the server was being ddos'd at the time.. i put the box into the boot, in the clip provided my friend gets booted from the server as i do this, i had not yet been kicked but was stuck in an animation & was taking damage due to being dehydrated i then get kicked and return to the server with no box on my back nor the car we drove there with, we had been kicked due to the server being ddos'd i had plenty of other guns in another box, im not trying to claim i lost something i never if thats what your implications was, thanks @Logan
Not implying anything my friend, just doing due dilligence. We need to get as much information as we can with requests like this.
of course i appriecate your hard work i understand the server being ddosd and comp requests during this time need to be inspected fully, but yeah anything else i can help with id be happy to provide with further details @Logan
Hello @dingbatL

I'm sorry to have to be the bearer of bad news, but unfortunately your evidence provided does not meet the requirements on this occasion.
The footage does not show the items listed being handled at all, and I am afraid we are unable to easily verify that these items were in fact lost during the server crash.

Hello there @dingbatL ,

new information has come to light and thanks to @1A3 , who has managed to find a record of the missing items, we are able to reimburse your loss! The compensation was issued and everything is as should be.

Apologies for the inconvenience!
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