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Compensation Request - Diab - GTA RP

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Active member
Compensation Request

In-game Name: Kindred Surprise

Game: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198166231370

The date when this happened: 02/07/22

Please provide full detail and evidence: I tried to purchase Tinted windows on my car, the money was taken and it didn't appear on the car. In addition, while browsing through the menu again to make sure it was working i accidentally removed the turbo tuning on the car which costs 45,000 ( you can check that i already had it 10 seconds prior). I do not have evidence of the occurrence since i did not know that i needed that, i provided only the evidence after that the tinted windows have in fact been purchased. Although you can check on the OOC time log, when i asked for a god was the exact moment when it happened. I received a reply from the admin 10 minutes later that i needed to fill in the forum by then the recording had exceeded 10 minutes i did not have a proper recording of the incident. I deeply apologize and i hope this can be resolved fairly.

Link to any evidence:


Lost items and total value of compensation: 15,000 pounds (tinted windows) + 45,000 pounds for turbo tuning.

Please confirm you have read and understand our Compensation Request terms: Yes

Thank you for your submission

Our staff team will get back to you in this topic ASAP! In the meantime please ensure the details you have submitted above are correct.

Good evening @Diab

Do you happen to have evidence of purchasing the upgrades as in the video it's just a run down of no turbo and fully tinted windows?

Unfortunately i do not, i asked around in OOC for like 20 minutes and finally got a reply from staff that i need the recording of purchase. At that time 10 minutes had already passed from my recordings. I had already contacted them on discord on the spot.

However, it still does show that the window upgrade has been purchased and still is equipped but it doesn't show. 

As for the turbo, i thought my game was bugged thats why nothing was applying and i removed the turbo but if you guys have records of purchase at that time you'd see it. 

You could also check the records of the guy who sold it to me 5 minutes prior to going to customs that it was fully equipped. 

I literally bought it and went to customs straight away and thats when everything happened.

I would deeply appreciate if i can get a fix.

Thank you in advance

No problem @DiabI'll have a look and see what we can do and update you 

Hello @Stuart

Is there by any chance any updates on this?

Thank you 🙂
Apologies for the delay in response to this. Just to confirm this happened on your Kindred Surprise character? Reason I'm asking is there is no transaction for Turbo being purchased 

Dear @Stuart

No worries for the delay i understand.

Yes it happened on Kindred Surprise. The turbo was already equipped in the car. But i de-purchased it when the whole window tint happened. I thought los santos was being bugged and removed the turbo.

Also the window tints are still purchased but still not applied on the car.

Thank you 🙂

Dear @Stuart

No worries for the delay i understand.

Yes it happened on Kindred Surprise. The turbo was already equipped in the car. But i de-purchased it when the whole window tint happened. I thought los santos was being bugged and removed the turbo.

Also the window tints are still purchased but still not applied on the car.

Thank you 🙂

That makes a bit more sense now overall. Well in relation to you removing the turbo there wouldn't be much we could do since it was your choice overall to do so, However the tinted windows indeed haven't applied. So based on this I'll issue the compensation of £15,000 to cover the cost of the Pure black 5% Window tints, However in relation to the turbo you would need to buy this yourself since you did remove it yourself I'm afraid.

You can retrieve your compensation at City Hall

Now that you’ve been compensated for what you’ve lost, it might be an idea to join our Steam Group and Discord to get more involved with the community!

Steam Group: RPUK Steam Group

Discord: RPUK Discord


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