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Compensation Request - David G

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David G

Well-known member
In-game Name: David
Steam ID: 76561198127370170
Date this happened: 04/18/2016
The Server this happened on.: Server 2
Please provide full detail and evidence: Me and my friend accendetly crached into something and we decided to fix our car, and from nowhere some guys came along and tried to RDM us. First i didnt shot back cause we asked them what they were doing. Then i tried to defend myself and flee. We both got killed. Lost a PDW=20k 1 ziptie=20k+My friends rifle, (look in the video what kind, supressor and sight on it to.

Comp=40k+riflebr />

And my friend lost his rifle but he coulnt record it so yeah. I will also use this as a report player form. The only thing i could see was that hes name was Lukas. And he didnt answer me when i asked to come to TS..
Link to any evidence:
Lost items and total value of compensation.: PDW+ZIPTIE+My friends rifle, (look in the video what kind, supressor and sight on it to.

Please confirm you have read and understand our Compensation Request terms: Yes

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