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Compensation Request - Choncey (Completed)

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In-game Name: [SG] Carlito Corleone
Steam ID: 76561198353917182
Date this happened: 04/05/2017
The Server this happened on.: Server 1
Please provide full detail and evidence: Well I was driving out of the green zone in Kavala very slowly and suddenly theres this yellow offroad driving full speed on the road and he tried to avoid some random hobo and ended up driving into me with me and my friend in the veichle. So I'm downed at this point and waiting for the medics and the server suddenly starts desyncing and lagging and people are rubberbanding everywhere and I get kicked off because of the mass kick problem.
Link to any evidence:

Lost items and total value of compensation.: Well theres no price list from where i can see the prices but I had:

Inspector berret

Black MX (supressor, black ARCO, bipod, 18 magazines)

Gendermarine uniform

Black balaclava

one of those special black police carrier rigs

black nightvision


Is there anyway for me to get this specific gear back?
Please confirm you have read and understand our Compensation Request terms: Yes
Hello, @Choncey 🙂

We cannot give specific items/equipment as compensation. Only in-game currency is given as compensation.

Compensation request accepted for £ 204,500

Please note that we are experiencing difficulties with our system at the moment, so compensations may take a while to come through. Because of this, we ask for you to please be patient and to wait for the next wave of compensations to be completed.

Completed 17/04/2017

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