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Compensation Request - calpol04 - GTA RP


Active member

Character Name: Bob Tyson
Character ID: 63523
Steam ID: 76561198799042451
Game: GTA RP
Date: May 30, 2024
Please Provide Full Details: We was doing the garbage job and we had 4 people doing the job, 2 people crashed early on, then when we went to cashout i unloaded the truck and then it wouldnt let us cashout, then we all crashed and this is the only screenshot i was able to get, we lost 11 collections due to the error of them not working.
Link(s) To Any Evidence: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachme...974eeb3535bf4deebbfef24a3b26b6f1449dd71dd78a&
Lost Items & Total Value Of Compensation 376927
: Yes
Hi there @calpol04

Discord links are only valid for 24 hours and as such your evidence is not showing up for us,

Would you be able to provide any further evidence please, we may not be able to continue without it.

Thank you.
Is this okay? It says 2/4 as the other 2 people crashed at the start and then me and the leader crashed seconds after each other. The leader went about 2 minutes after this screenshot then i went a few seconds after him.


  • XTKyXd9.jpeg
    500.6 KB · Views: 15
Is this okay? It says 2/4 as the other 2 people crashed at the start and then me and the leader crashed seconds after each other. The leader went about 2 minutes after this screenshot then i went a few seconds after him.
This image does not show any loss.
This image does not show any loss.
yeah that is the only screenshot i was able to get, we crashed not long after we was asking in the ooc chat what do we do as it wouldnt let the leader cash out and he then crashed straight after then i became the leader and i couldnt cash out either then i also crashed, this was on the first day of the update and wasnt able to cash out at all and people would constantly crash and then it would mess up the job, i understand that its a new update and there is bounds to be bugs and everything but didnt expect it to not let us cash out, i saw loads of other people in ooc chat saying that they also couldnt cash out, that is quite a decent payout that we couldnt collect and obviously when we flew back in after we crashed the job had gone so we lost it all.
Unfortunately, you have been unable to show any loss with the provided evidence.
