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Compensation request(Asked to be posted by maratek, was told gear on me and gear in my house would be comped for if i can prove... (Refused)

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Ross and Chris. Please post all you evidence. you have made these claims, however if i made a claim, with no evidence it would be denied. So you need to prove your case with some evidence because you haven't provided any at this moment.

7C) Rubber bullets and tazers must be used unless lethal force orders are given from a high ranking officer.
 This is out of date and not how the police works. If we're nitpicking rules (which aren't said as bannable) Garlic was hovering low below 300m. Also Maratek was there anyway so high rank authorisation was gained. 

Why have you come onto this forum just to argue. Like youve made your point, petty little things like ''Maybe don't initiate the RP with a phone call then cry when you loose your stuff?'' Just isint needed. Im afraid, again, your lying, I didnt cry, and i didnt do nothing with my phone. thank you. post things that will help wilco get the bottom of this, or just stop getting butthurt, i think police officers should be a respectful on the forums as they should in game, and Ross, you need some Disciplinary action.
I need disciplinary action for defending myself? Someone has sent a text saying something like "get out my house or be shot" and you turn up shouting drop your weapon?  
Sorry, which part are you referring to? You seem somewhat confused, for clarificaiton I am referring to the lethals you fired into Joe. The evidence, the video supplied, shows you not initiating RP, it shows you RDM'ing someone. If you said something it would have been picked up from the chopper, the in-game mechanics allow for someone to be heard from <50m when speaking in direct. As you can hear from the video, the only sound echoing from below is that of gun shots.
I may have or may have not spoke, i'm not sure which. It doesn't matter anyway as you issued a warning to drop my weapon (assuming you were going to kill me after the text) and I shoot.
I'm not here to argue, just defend myself from disciplinary action and debate against this compensation request which in my opinion would be unfair if approved.

Ross and Chris. Please post all you evidence. you have made these claims, however if i made a claim, with no evidence it would be denied. So you need to prove your case with some evidence because you haven't provided any at this moment.
I have none, hence why I havn't made a report. If you want evidence i'll post video of you breaking RP if you wish?
If you want to see the text then @Wilco can check the logs, but it really isn't needed.

This is out of date and not how the police works. If we're nitpicking rules (which aren't said as bannable) Garlic was hovering low below 300m. Also Maratek was there anyway so high rank authorisation was gained.  I need disciplinary action for defending myself? Someone has sent a text saying something like "get out my house or be shot" and you turn up shouting drop your weapon?   I may have or may have not spoke, i'm not sure which. It doesn't matter anyway as you issued a warning to drop my weapon (assuming you were going to kill me after the text) and I shoot.

I'm not here to argue, just defend myself from disciplinary action and debate against this compensation request which in my opinion would be unfair if approved.
I believe the <300m rules is only in enforcement within Kavala... so again Ross, can you please provide your evidence. I was not hovering, I was ensuring I got a full report, on my gopro, to be able to supply the evidence. Again, this can be observed in the video. The hypocrisy is astounding, why not just admit that you were in the wrong? I have been banned and I have admitted at the time I was in the wrong, you are trying to twist a rule and apply it where it does not.

Also for clarification, I had just landed Joe as you are well aware. 

I was under the impression this was a mature community but I am left feeling that is not the case as you are trying to turn this into a tit for tat instead of providing evidence which supports your allegation, your claim, because at the moment that is all it is.

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I believe the <300m rules is only in enforcement within Kavala... so again Ross, can you please provide your evidence. I was not hovering, I was ensuring I got a full report, on my gopro, to be able to supply the evidence. Again, this can be observed in the video. The hypocrisy is astounding, why not just admit that you were in the wrong? I have been banned and I have admitted at the time I was in the wrong, you are trying to twist a rule and apply it where it does not.

I was under the impression this was a mature community but I am left feeling that is not the case as you are trying to turn this into a tit for tat instead of providing evidence which supports your allegation, your claim, because at the moment that is all it is.
Summary: <300m rule isnt bannable , No RDM as you told me to drop the weapon.
Anything else please do mention, but no need to be rude in doing so.

'' need disciplinary action for defending myself? Someone has sent a text saying something like "get out my house or be shot" and you turn up shouting drop your weapon? .'' No, The action is need because you are very openly rude and sarcastic on the forums. I have already apologised for swearing at you in game. however i did so, because you RDM'ed. Which is bannable. Im only claiming compensation, so if i was you i'd count your lucky stars im not posting a ban request. because i have the evidence to do so. And you may post a video if you like my man, again. Maratek has already spoke to me about breaking rp and that issue has been dealt with. the issue at hand is your RDM, stop trying to shift the blame. Produce your evidence or just stop posting malicious posts.

Summary: <300m rule isnt bannable , No RDM as you told me to drop the weapon.

Anything else please do mention, but no need to be rude in doing so.
Is there something you are missing or do I need to point this out for you, again? I have said I was not referring to the instance where I got out of my chopper and engaged you because at that point RP is already engaged as a result of your shots fired on me. I am referring to the shots you fired at Joe, and the subsequent shots that killed him. I will lay it out for you:

1. You shot at him with no RP

2. You had no clearance from a superior office to fire lethals

3. You killed him when he tried to emerge from the garage

This is all shown in the video. I have nothing further to add, as it is simply a circle-jerk on the internet. Something I do not have time for. The evidence is there, with more if needed.

Summary: <300m rule isnt bannable , No RDM as you told me to drop the weapon.

Anything else please do mention, but no need to be rude in doing so.
You are the one being rude. we have said this isnt the place for an argument, so post your evidence. or stop posting. simple.

You're being awfully agressive.

Let me make my points clear.

1) It is not RDM as you threatened me with your gun which you admitted to.

2) As already mentioned I have no evidence

3) I'm sorry if you don't like the way I come across, but I don't really like the way you come across either. You're very agressive.

Can we please lock this @Reverend , going in circles..

Is there something you are missing or do I need to point this out for you, again? I have said I was not referring to the instance where I got out of my chopper and engaged you because at that point RP is already engaged as a result of your shots fired on me. I am referring to the shots you fired at Joe, and the subsequent shots that killed him. I will lay it out for you:

1. You shot at him with no RP

2. You had no clearance from a superior office to fire lethals

3. You killed him when he tried to emerge from the garage

This is all shown in the video. I have nothing further to add, as it is simply a circle-jerk on the internet. Something I do not have time for. The evidence is there, with more if needed.
I shall write in full sentences to stop confusion

The reason I shot with lethal ammunition at Joe was because I believed my life was in immediate danger from his command, "Put your gun down". This initiated the RP. (Q1 answered.)

If our life is in danger or we are fired upon with lethals we can use lethals, that rule is outdated. (Q2 answered). I ensured, as I was leading the raid, that most other officers used non lethal due to close quarters. I was the only person who was there from the start to use lethal.

Yes, I shot him when he reappeared from his cover. (Q3 answered)

You're being awfully agressive.

Let me make my points clear.

1) It is not RDM as you threatened me with your gun which you admitted to.

2) As already mentioned I have no evidence

3) I'm sorry if you don't like the way I come across, but I don't really like the way you come across either. You're very agressive.

Can we please lock this @Reverend , going in circles..
I would like you to define aggressive, I would then request that you further define it in the context of the internet.

It isn't going in circles it has been proven you RDM'd, if it is locked I would suggest Joe files a RDM complaint. He has been civil and requested compensation of which you have twisted this thread into something it is not. The evidence is there so why are you trying to get it closed? 

To be fair, this post is long as hell and I can't be arsed to read it all so I doubt it will be much fun for an admin to go through either. 

Often this is why people complain about the time taken to process these things: If it's a wall of text then I don't fancy wading through it all for what is simply a compensation request that seems to have crossed the line into report a player. Meh. 

So @ I'm happy to close if you want me to. Just tag me back in the post and it shall be done. 

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To be fair, this post is long as hell and I can't be arsed to read it all so I doubt it will be much fun for an admin to go through either. 

Often this is why people complain about the time taken to process these things: If it's a wall of text then I don't fancy wading through it all for what is simply a compensation request that seems to have crossed the line into report a player. Meh. 

So @ I'm happy to close if you want me to. Just tag me back in the post and it shall be done.
It just appears to be going in circles with accusations I need to defend myself from. It would be appreciated if you could lock.
(TL:DR Not my topic but accusations are flying here and its going around in circles.)

It just appears to be going in circles with accusations I need to defend myself from. It would be appreciated if you could lock.

(TL:DR Not my topic but accusations are flying here and its going around in circles.)
Generally, when a claim has been made and evidence has been provided, you have to defend yourself. You are requested to provide evidence to support your side of the argument. 

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To be fair, this post is long as hell and I can't be arsed to read it all so I doubt it will be much fun for an admin to go through either. 

Often this is why people complain about the time taken to process these things: If it's a wall of text then I don't fancy wading through it all for what is simply a compensation request that seems to have crossed the line into report a player. Meh. 

So @ I'm happy to close if you want me to. Just tag me back in the post and it shall be done. 
If by lock, it means it stops comments, please do. they've failed to provide evidence, If you mean Close it. as it deny my claim, please dont because, we've been respectful, and made an evidential claim. with maratek as a witness. ross has done nothing but insult and run this around in circles like and argument. 


He means lock it for review @Reverend
Locking is not hiding or closing: It is simply locking to stop the comments. This shit does my head in: It goes on and on and achieves nothing. An admin will review this at some point but the endless wall of text won't help as it puts it at the top of the page and the admins work from the bottom up. So yeah: Locking. 

Let's just get on with stuff until this is properly reviewed and approved or disapproved by a proper admin. Calm down you lot... I hate issuing warnings and forum bans so let's just stop this here and move on. 


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