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Compensation Request - Ant Eldraw - GTA RP

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Ant Eldraw

Well-known member

Character Name: Ant Eldraw
Character ID: 42723
Steam ID: 76561198855717573
Game: GTA RP
Date: Jun 18, 2024
Please Provide Full Details: Me and a friend were out looking for some good RP whilst robbing folks, when we came across 2 people that had used 3rd party applications for communication and it lead to our arrest at the end.
Link(s) To Any Evidence: https://www.roleplay.co.uk/threads/report-a-player-name-unknown-id-104-gta-rp.425738/#post-2485863
Lost Items & Total Value Of Compensation Me and my friend both lost a WM pistol each and around 20-30 bullets each.
: Yes
Hello Ant!

So I have looked thru the evidence of the report linked. At around 10 minutes into your video, you decided to attempt to take the police officer hostage, which went sour due to the reported player punching you. This is where it becomes tricky. There is no way to know what would or could have happened if he didn't punch you. At 12:23 in your video you can see another police unit showing up to the scene, before the reportee punches you.

If we break the situation down, shots were fired, police pulled you over and you complied, you got out and pulled a gun on the officer, demanded him to get out after he pushed his panic button, making other officers come to the scene, and then the reportee punching you. In this context, regardless of the reportee hitting you, you may still have lost the weapon regardless of that.

There is no way to know how this scenario would have ended. Roughly a minute after the whole situation escalated, another two units pulled up. Would you have been arrested? Maybe shot? Perhaps you managed to take the officer hostage over some negotiation and gotten away? There is no way to know what would have happened, so therefore I am going to deny this compensation request based on the compensation guidelines.


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