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Compensation Request - Ant Arni

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Genius, Entrepreneur, Playboy, Philanthropist, Bil
Land of memes and top roleplay
In-game Name: Ant Arni
Steam ID: 76561198062083666
Date this happened: 09/18/2016
The Server this happened on.: Server 1
Please provide full detail and evidence: Got RDM'd, this is my comp request for it (I understand that you have to deal with the report first) - report linked as evidence.
Link to any evidence:

Lost items and total value of compensation.: Full Ghillie Suits : £200,000
Hat: 200
Balaclava: 75,000
CTRG platecarrier rig: 7500
Carryall Backpack variant: 5000
ACP-C2 .45 ACP: 28,000
MX SW: 170,000
RCO: 7000
DMS: 40,000
6.5 Suppressor: 150,000
Bipod: 15,000
6.5 mag's: 13,000
45 acp mags: 1000
nightvision + rangefinders: 4000
first aid kits: 24000
zipties: 80,000
lockpicks: 3000
spike strips: 1000
smoke grenade: 750

Total: 807,200
Please confirm you have read and understand our Compensation Request terms: Yes
As an ex-member of this server, i haven't played on an RP server in a while so i may be a bit rusty. But!

You stole his car?? giving him a decent reason to shoot you, you're trying to steal his stuff which is technically an initiation. Plus you kept telling him to "go away" when he's robbing the gas station, to me that sounds like a threat. You're also telling him you're the police, this player could think that you're just an undercover cop or something and if you were a police officer saying that to him it gives him every right to shoot you! You were essentially trolling at this point so yeh, that's the reason you and your friend got shot. 

This is very poor RP from both sides so i would just give the player who is being reported a warning for poor RP and @Ant Arni you should stop stealing peoples cars and then accuse them of RDM??? 

Plus, you had two guns on you, why didn't you just kill him??? (With RP obviously)

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As an ex-member of this server, i haven't played on an RP server in a while so i may be a bit rusty. But!

You stole his car?? giving him a decent reason to shoot you, you're trying to steal his stuff which is technically an initiation. Plus you kept telling him to "go away" when he's robbing the gas station, to me that sounds like a threat. 

This is very poor RP from both sides so i would just give the player who is being reported a warning for poor RP and @Ant Arni you should stop stealing peoples cars and then accuse them of RDM??? 
I don't see any of what you saying valid, and I suggest you read the rules as you clearly have forgotten one of the most basic ones.

[SIZE=medium](2.2) Random Deathmatch (also known as RDM) - Shooting at someone without engaging in any form of quality role play (eg. Giving enough time for them to comply with your order. Count downs are not considered quality roleplay, please at least attempt to create an interesting roleplay story before considering shooting.) is considered RDM. (Punishment is a ban).[/SIZE]

There was absolutely no roleplay from his side, and at no point did I threaten his life. At no point did I have a gun out, except for when I initially got it out and hid it straight away (he didn't see it) so I could never have initiated properly in the first place (hobo initiaton). Also, I don't believe you are meant to be commenting on threads like this unless you are directly involved with the situation as a staff member will be dealing with it soon in the first place.


You're probably right about me being not allowed to comment on these. I just had a quick glance over the rules and didn't see anything on it but i trust your word over it. 

I disagree with you but i'm not going to argue as of the point above ^^ 

I would also like to add that this man was killed in Kavala, and then one of my gang mates saw him a couple minutes later in kavala square (i.e. he's breaking NLR). When asked to come to teamspeak about this, some other members online were saying that they also saw this guy robbing someone in the greenzone. I don't have video evidence of this as the situation didn't involve me, however that is what I was told.


We do not comp for issues like this.

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