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Compensation Request - adairpeter9

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  1. In-game Name: 2trendy4u
  2. Steam ID: 76561198970197776
  3. Date this happened: 07/26/03
  4. Please provide full detail and evidence: Me, Dylan, Gillie and f1nn28 (bucky boys) were refuelling helicopter just out of kavala. i do not have any detailed evidence as geforce experience capture wasnt set up at the time. (my in game name is peter but it wouldn't let me) we were roleplaying as a CTRG unit at the time. i dont have any links to evidence as i did not expect it.
  5. Link to any evidence:
  6. Lost items and total value of compensation.: full gear, 2.6 Million.
  7. Please confirm you have read and understand our Compensation Request terms: Yes

You wan't 2.6 mil in comp for gear ? what kind of gear did you have since you claim comp on 2.6 mil ? 

Also please provide your right steamid as the id you provided cannot be found in our database

hi there mate, i had 2.6M on-hand as well as gear. i can talk to you on the server at some point if you would like?

i can explain why i had that cash on hand and what i was doing at the time of the hacking if it helps my case.
Please do because our database show that the highest amount of money you ever had is 236,391. So where is the 2.6 mil coming from ?  

ive had a lot more than that! iv'e grinded this server for a while doing high grade weed runs, bank/gas store robbery etc. this would be such a shame if i were unfairly compensated all because i hacker was able to ruin the server for everyone. 

You can head the same way as your friends, down the trapdoor. Cash on hand when the server went down: Peter - 76561198970197775 - 2020-01-25 20:50:39 - 12850


Request denied, further requests require full evidence, ban issued, appeal required.

Although your request didn't meet our compensation request criteria, it might be an idea to join our Steam Group and Discord to get more involved with the community!

Steam Group: RPUK Steam Group

Discord: RPUK Discord


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