Yes, I flipping hate this. I'm spectating a group of people, all clearly doing something important, and they're all mutes. Really breaks the realism. Now, realism for me as a Mod is not so important, I can't really RP I'm a camera in the sky, but it makes my nights a million times more enjoyable if I can hear the small chatter going on. Even if it's just banter, it give your models more depth.
Out of Mod duty I get the same, a lot, from the police. They are the worst for it. I get pulled over, asked a few questions by a cop, and then all 3 go silent while they discuss what I said in ts (presumably). Very awkward just sat there restrained while they decide what to do in a private channel. Personally I think this needs to change with the police first. It's real easy, all you do is keep your direct chat open. Sure, there's times when that isn't appropriate, but 99% of the time it is not, and would add a lot of depth to the interactions. Oh, you're calling your higher up are you? I don't hear you. Oh, you're telling your back-up to keep their distance while you negotiate? Sure, if you say so..
Now, I mustn't generalise too much, there are a few cops I've seen that do this already. I take my hat off to you good sirs for RPing everything.
I often keep direct on when I'm on ts with George or someone. Walking through Kavala 'on the phone' to my buddy, just chatting about our lives. It's not breaking RP, it's bringing my real life into Altis, and gives something for people to hear - atmosphere. What town centre do you know where everyone just runs around in silence? No, I'd love to hear internal comms (*as long as it's not referencing 'the game' or 'servers' etc, just normal chatter).
I have been seriously considering doing a 'Road Wars' or 'Traffic Cops' style video, but if cops aren't talking, it would be the most boring and out of context video possible.
So please, I implore, start using direct whenever you talk (so long as it's not breaking a rule).