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I believe the cocaine mass should double when cutting it because it would introduce a more realistic and strategic element. By simulating the common practice of increasing volume through cutting, it reflects real-world drug economics, enhancing the game's immersion and complexity.
Also adding different grades of cutting so like 100%(can be cut 3 times) 75%(can be cut 2 times) 50%(can be cut once) 25%(can’t be cut) this change would also encourage players to make more tactical decisions regarding resource management and risk, adding depth to the gameplay experience.

This would be great for roleplay and getting better deals in the cocaine game obviously cocaine can still be sold to locals at what ever % but locals are more likely to take higher % coke,
Gangs can then supply other new groups different deals to build on good roleplay and would also encourage new groups to actually roleplay rather than just buy coke from anyone.

How to tell what percentage your cocaine is, maybe having somewhere like human labs or a test kit that you would have to rp for.

Pros: more interactive roleplay

Cons: dev work
I would presume the lower the percent of the drug the lower the money you would be makeing so if
100% is £800 per sale
25% will be around £200 per sale?