YoCo has fat tits
Clarify/Improve Combat Storing Rule
Detailed Rule Suggestion:
(2.6) Combat storing, such as storing a vehicle whilst you are being chased, impounding/scrapping your vehicle to gain an advantage or to otherwise prevent roleplay.
It has been common knowledge by pretty much everyone who plays on the server that combat storing covers a lot more than what the rule states. My suggestion is to better clarify what constitutes combat storing and what the conditions must be to then eventually store.
My reasoning for this suggested change is that there is currently just far too many loopholes for this rule. In a recent report a staff member decided not to action anything on the impounding of a vehicle used during a gunfight while the fight was still active (less than 3 mins since last shot) due to his opinion that the officer showed no malicious intent and thought it was safe, although it was not and the gunfight carried on for quite a while after the impound. This is fair enough. But then not too long ago a member of Poseidon was banned for storing their vehicle within a few minutes of being shot at because they thought they were safe and saw no enemies in the area, even though there was. He also showed no malicious intent but was banned because a different member of staff had a different opinion of the rule.
This is not a problem with the staff members judgement, but the rule not being clarified well enough for all staff to be on the same page with it.
There are also many other situations such as when a weapon cache turns into a gunfight and NPAS benching during that fight but then land half way through in Kavala PD, impound their vehicle and pull out ground vehicles. This to me is 100% combat storing but others have the opinion that it is not. So I feel the whole community would benefit from better clarification. This is nothing against the cops doing it also, it is just an easy example.
So I would like to see clarified on what is combat storing. Perhaps something along the lines of:
Combat storing, such as storing a vehicle while being chased/shot at, destroying your vehicle to prevent it being captured, impounding/scrapping vehicles during a situation for an advantage or something something. If a vehicle has been initiated on or involved in a gunfight, that vehicle must not be stored/impounded for 5 minutes after the last gunshot.
Obviously I do not expect it to be worded like that, I leave you to word it much better. But it does give an idea of what would then be clarified under a new change and also what condition must be met to store a vehicle after an active situation. Something that many of us already do, but by changing the rule it puts everyone on the same page.
If I have forgotten anything or people wish to add to the suggestion feel free to comment it.
Outline how your rule will improve the server/community:
Like stated above, this will put the community and staff on the same page regarding the combat storing rule and allow less loopholes and workarounds that are often abused with the current wording of the rule.
Think about any bad points your rule suggestion might have:
I do not believe clarification of a rule presents any bad points.
What punishment if any should breach of this rule have:
Same as now