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Cpt BoonDog

Well-known member

Thought I would give fishing for clams a try, seeing as as the server was so quite last night.

Overall it was easy collecting clams, in fact not bad; however that's where it went all pear shaped. 

After collecting 20, I couldn't transfer any to my car, my truck or Heli for transport. 

Why not? 

I hear comments from admins such as "we're surprised now its been made more accessible that more people aren't doing it"?

I would propose having now tried it, that it's because its beyond pointless. You cannot place clams in anything other than a boat. So Logistically speaking using a boat to solely circumnavigate the entire island is a god awful experience that no-one without less then two hours of unproductive gameplay would want to do. When almost every other collection, mining role or illegal activity pays double if not triple the reward for same time used. 

So for those of you who do it regularly what have been your lessons learned and how have you applied them? 

If clams could be stored in trucks and helis we would see a much needed boost in sea-based activities. Don't really understand why they're boats only. If it's for RP reasons then I'd say that you can put clams in some kind of fresh water storage unit and easily transport that on heli/truck.

If clams could be stored in trucks and helis we would see a much needed boost in sea-based activities. Don't really understand why they're boats only. If it's for RP reasons then I'd say that you can put clams in some kind of fresh water storage unit and easily transport that on heli/truck.
Agreed; the biggest value add is that vehicles could carry clams and in turn reduce the value per pearl say to £7500. That still less than a million but better for the RPer.

Anything else is symantics and nothing more than a a band aid to terminal cancer.  

as for containers; I agree however as to the answers to most things here RP it; but no other items require specialist containers or transport conditions despite IRL needing so. 

My thoughts harsh as they are; enable it or kill it off. Don't just leave it  to die. 

Agreed; the biggest value add is that vehicles could carry clams and in turn reduce the value per pearl say to £7500. That still less than a million but better for the RPer.

Anything else is symantics and nothing more than a a band aid to terminal cancer.  

as for containers; I agree however as to the answers to most things here RP it; but no other items require specialist containers or transport conditions despite IRL needing so. 

My thoughts harsh as they are; enable it or kill it off. Don't just leave it  to die. 
Sorry what I meant by containers was that they are used IRL; i.e. that we can just RP it here also

I'd agree, you could rp having containers or put something in place in the market, half the sell price of them if needs be and boom, more coastguard rp with angry clam pirates, maybe even add a couple of sea bases/oil stations for players to rp on if they encounter eachother (not big enough to land a heli or police would never catch people) 

I'd love to do clams more but carrying 8 on my person just doesn't seem worth it

In real life if you collect any sealife creatures you need to keep them alive until they're processed. Theres not enough Space in a helicopter or a car to have a 1000 liter Water tank to keep the clams fresh. Also i think clams should remain as they are as it's pretty chill to have a sail tour. Personally i think there should be more activity on the sea.

I don't think people are thinking about this properly. You are harvesting the clams for PEARLS. Perhaps if the clams also gave you clam meat to sell to Ramsey's Restaurant (or whatever it's called), then it would make sense.

However, I don't think clams themselves should be able to be stored in anything, but:

  1. Allow pearls to be stored in anything.
  2. We need a bigger and/or faster boat.

Also PLEASE change the XP you get from doing them. 0.5 XP per clam is just.. stupid

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Well funny thing to. Clams are illegal to farm. But I'd like to see in the future frame work for attention to sea based activity's.

In real life if you collect any sealife creatures you need to keep them alive until they're processed. Theres not enough Space in a helicopter or a car to have a 1000 liter Water tank to keep the clams fresh. Also i think clams should remain as they are as it's pretty chill to have a sail tour. Personally i think there should be more activity on the sea.
It's true what you say about having to keep them in water tanks but clams are small and you could easily fit 10 in a medium sized lunchbox type container, which brings me back to maybe being able to buy these at the market and store them in a heli/car/truck, it would make sense. If you want more activity on the sea then this is one way to go about it, that and sea platforms for people to stop and rp on, maybe a sea bar haha!
