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Citizen / Gang Rules Section - Add in a section to explain more in depth hostage situations

Samuel Shire

Elite Donator
Gruppe 6 Command
UK, Peterborough
So i have seen a few reports for it and since being G6 had a few situations around hostage takeing and trying to break people out of prison, now quite ofter these end in poor plannning from the hostage takers side and then the rust being either a report against police or other partys or spamming OOC with "fuck the feds and their win mentality"

so i propose adding a bit into the section about hostage takeing to explaine that for example, Haveing 1 hostage and demanding something when faveing 2/3/4 times as many officers as yourself and expecting that it will result in your demmands beeing met

lastr night we had 1 guy take 1 hostage and demmand the release of 17 prisoners, at the prison vs 6 armed G6 and 4(i think) officers (more would have come if not involved in a mass shootout elsewhere), when he was 15ft away from the hostage he was taken down and started complaining in OOC and saying a VC would be pointless, i can asume he asumed haveing the 1 hostage would mean all his dammands would be met

so i feel it would be beneficial (even tho half dont read them) to add in a extra bit of info detailing hostage situations and that the same as the NVL rule is now, just because in X senario you have a hastage your not going to be able to i dont want to say it but WIN the situation

if you had sat 10 of you and 5+ hostages maybe but to many seem to think 1 hostage means immunity and almost like a garentee you will be the victor in your demmands however outragous they are


if anyone can think of how it should be worded that would be brilliant

I think it'd be very difficult to encompass every single hostage situation and contextualisation into a single condensed rule.  They should be taking heed of G7.1, as that is what at the end of the day tends to have situations go their way, or not.  High quality roleplay is always rewarded, where as ill thought out plans that aren't in anyway good quality tend to get their situation going wrong. 

Id imagine it would fall under the common sense rule. 1 guy with 1 hostage weighed up against the loss of that many prisoners - surrounded by G6 and police id assume.. doesn't make much sense. I agree though hostage taking needs some clearer guidelines iv seen it get absolutely ridiculous sometimes lol
