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Character ageing


Professional Stunt Driver
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somewhere over the rainbow
Hello everyone,

My suggestion isnt a long one yet is one that i believe could be great for roleplay purposes.

Make it so your character ages a year per an X amount of time.

for instance my character is currently 21 and will till be 21 5 years later.

how great would it be if your character actually aged every year of thier existance.

sorry for my bad writing skills

This would be nice I keep getting my age wrong when I get arrested 😂

How exactly would this work if your character is like ancient already? Would there come a point they'd stop aging or something? 

I was under the impression that your character did age as time went on so would definitely like to see this added. It would also be great if we could have a DOB on the IDs so we can actually use age as a reference and encourage events like birthdays. +1

Would like to see the ageing in real time though so not accelerated like GTA normally is.

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Would like to see the ageing in real time though so not accelerated like GTA normally is.
I was more or less thinking about a birthday every half year

How exactly would this work if your character is like ancient already? Would there come a point they'd stop aging or something? 
i mean eventually someone old could die but that up to what you as "Owner" of said character chooses

at the end you decide what age you start off as


What if someone has done what @CSI Greenhalghhas done how do they age

also 21 thats a funny month 😜

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you'll find that's my age. I am 2/21/1979 tyvm
