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Changes to the police force

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Just to clear something up the "rebel leader" is nothing more than a representative for rebels, to bring up complaints, requests, problems etc, it is not like being the police chief, that is under rank control, the representative does not have control over rebel groups/gangs like BRC etc, and i have gotten help from people in my group with trying to get items added and whitelisting to happen, but it seemed like some people didn't want there to be a rebel whitelist/opfor group.

I was asked by killerrabbit to be a representative for the rebels, as i understood it he had asked some people who they thought could be fitting for the representative role if you will, and they had said my name as which i'm grateful, i want to help the community improve and it was recognized :)

It seems like some people are fine with me being the rebel representative since i had gotten items like the 4-FIVE pistol, scopes, sub etc added to the rebel side which i am very happy to hear.

And it seems like some people don't like that i was asked to be the representative without a vote, which i can understand and if people want a vote, i am all for it. If people feel like i haven't been doing a good job as the rebel representative then it should be a vote/poll.

I wanted to say i don't try to add items only i want, i asked around what people wanted to see and

Me and sovereign was in the meeting he referred to with killerrabbit, wilco and ed williams, we talked about adding certain items and how it would effect both sides, we addressed the police having certain things we thought they should not have and rabbit showed us the new gear for the ranks of the police(in effect now) it is allot better than before.

Here is my document for BRC ranks if they was to become a whitelisted group if it was to be added, this is what kind of gear we would have(not finished it needs allot of tweaking)

If you have any questions or any thing to criticise please post :D

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There is a few Things i like answeres to.

1.  Why wernt it a democratic Election.

why wernt a vote put in place and the people WHO whantet the seat had a chance to Run for office. ?

this seemes like a dictorship. and i find it highly suspicious that its the police chief who points at his favorite rebel.

2. What safe guards are put in place so the this whont be used to promote one gang over another.?

3. How often will there be elections? or how do we overtrow the sitting rebel leader.

4. This is a Serious Roleplay Community why wernt sutch a meeting anounched and made ingame ?

5. Who will chose what rebel gets promotet and how will u make sure this whont be abused to promote your own Clan.

6. What juridiction will the police have over who will be promotet and demotet as rebels? hopefully none.

I hope u will have time for my questions.

The Rebel Representative has no authority over any other rebels. He's a REPRESENTATIVE. All he does is collect information/arguments etc, and pass it along to the Chief of Police and Admins to discuss it.

Velten has been the representative for ~3-4 weeks now, have you seen any bias towards the BRC (his "gang")? I'll answer this for you; no, and if you disagree, you're lying. For proof of this, look at the un-ban request forum, one of our members has a topic in it (successfully) appealing his ban.

It's hardly a dictatorship seeing as Velten is very active, and has made some valuable suggestions (you wouldn't have the .45, suppressor, DMS scope, the submarine etc otherwise) with a high level of understanding of what he's suggesting, not simply bitching and moaning about the cops being OP because they have some shiney toy we don't have or a TG grenade.

He's done more for the rebel side in the last few weeks than anyone else I've seen and all you people seem to be doing is moaning about it. Pull your panties down a tad and think about things before lighting those torches.

If you still have a problem with it, PM killerabbit saying you want to run for representative in Veltens place.

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There is a few Things i like answeres to.

1.  Why wernt it a democratic Election.

why wernt a vote put in place and the people WHO whantet the seat had a chance to Run for office. ?

this seemes like a dictorship. and i find it highly suspicious that its the police chief who points at his favorite rebel.

2. What safe guards are put in place so the this whont be used to promote one gang over another.?

3. How often will there be elections? or how do we overtrow the sitting rebel leader.

4. This is a Serious Roleplay Community why wernt sutch a meeting anounched and made ingame ?

5. Who will chose what rebel gets promotet and how will u make sure this whont be abused to promote your own Clan.

6. What juridiction will the police have over who will be promotet and demotet as rebels? hopefully none.

I hope u will have time for my questions.
In response to your first question, it was made at a time when the AC rebels (now BRC after a merge) were one of the only large groups around that played a lot so it made sense. Someone was chosen from that group who plays and role plays a lot, to make more informed suggestions.

Like byvelten said before, the leader should just be someone who speaks for the rebel community, not a 'Leader' who gives orders or has special powers on the server, so the other questions seem a little moot to me.

hmm jay u seem to ignite realy fast.

As he said in his previous post if we had any questions we should ask them... u are not encourageing a free discustion.

and these were questions no acusations.. like u seem to have read them.

i hope all of my questions have been thought over and u can put me to rest.

Until then my questions still stand.

There is a few Things i like answeres to.

1.  Why wernt it a democratic Election.

why wernt a vote put in place and the people WHO whantet the seat had a chance to Run for office. ?

this seemes like a dictorship. and i find it highly suspicious that its the police chief who points at his favorite rebel.

2. What safe guards are put in place so the this whont be used to promote one gang over another.?

3. How often will there be elections? or how do we overtrow the sitting rebel leader.

4. This is a Serious Roleplay Community why wernt sutch a meeting anounched and made ingame ?

5. Who will chose what rebel gets promotet and how will u make sure this whont be abused to promote your own Clan.

6. What juridiction will the police have over who will be promotet and demotet as rebels? hopefully none.

I hope u will have time for my questions.
1. Because at the time the BRC (AC at the time) was the largest known gang on the server and Velten was actively speaking with the admins about tweaking things to make it fairer for both sides. I say known gang because there was a few "shadow" groups around at the time.

2. Trust. The rep will be voted for by us, we'll all vote hopefully for who we think will do the job best, not just vote for our friends.

Hopefully full on campaigns will take place ;-)

3. No clue, would like to know myself actually.

4. The rebalancing of Killerabbits force was just beginning, a spokesperson/meeting with an experienced rebel player on the server was needed at the time to discuss balancing.

5. Elections & see answer 3.

6. I agree with you, none.

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There is a few Things i like answeres to.

1.  Why wernt it a democratic Election.

why wernt a vote put in place and the people WHO whantet the seat had a chance to Run for office. ?

this seemes like a dictorship. and i find it highly suspicious that its the police chief who points at his favorite rebel.

2. What safe guards are put in place so the this whont be used to promote one gang over another.?

3. How often will there be elections? or how do we overtrow the sitting rebel leader.

4. This is a Serious Roleplay Community why wernt sutch a meeting anounched and made ingame ?

5. Who will chose what rebel gets promotet and how will u make sure this whont be abused to promote your own Clan.

6. What juridiction will the police have over who will be promotet and demotet as rebels? hopefully none.

I hope u will have time for my questions.
Yea sure

1.It was more like i was asked one day if i could be a rep for the rebels to help sort some problems and issues out that was happening at that time, we actually spoke about having elections for rebel rep and police chief every other month, and it is now in effect for rebel rep if you want to run against me pm killerrabbit :D (it was in no way meant to be any kind of dictatorship, and i do not favor my gang, when i speak to other gangs about problems with mine i am completely fair, if someone in my gang fucked up then they did i'm not gonna deny it or try to cover it up.)

2.What do you mean promote one gang over another? as the rebel rep you have no leadership over other gangs, and no say in what they do. What the rebel rep does is to sort out issues between the police and civ side, bring up unbalancing issues, adding more items for rebel side or removing items from rebel side with the consent of the rebels after hearing what is requested for rebels and what is to OP etc.

3.This could be a poll on, personally i think every 2 moths or so.

4.What meeting are you referring to? if it was about choosing the rep it was done over TS, i was asked and i said yes, and then we had a little chat with some of the admins.(as the rebel rep i have only gotten items added, and spoken about stability issues like when the police had the nightstalker)

5.There is no ranking system in at this time or planed in the near future, if there was to come whitelisted rebels a ranking system would have to be discussed, if one was to be used. in regards to promoting your own clan, lets say there was 3 whitelisted groups lol1, lol2, lol3 these could use a universal rank system that had been set up by the rebel rep and other rebel gang leaders to get everyone opinion, when the meet is done and we have settled on gear for the respective ranks we run it by the admins and the police chief.(dont know how well i explained this, it is allot easier to do over teamspeak)

6.The police would have no say in this, that would be up to the rebel leader of that gang if what i said in "5" was to be used.

If there is anything i made confusing or anything else just comments :D

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