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Changes to 24/7 robberies (check distance from safe)

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Wiki Editor
Los Santos NHS
Make it so that you have to stay in the vicinity of the safe during the timer countdown instead of being able to run off to hide until the timer is up.


  • Stops the horrible meta where people just pick the lock, run off for 200 secs and then come back and collect the money.
  • By removing this meta there will actually be RP at store robberies instead of police just walking in, reparing the safe and walking out


  • None
At the moment shops are being hit way too often and completely ruins the experience for a police officer as you will be only dealing with banks and shop robberies all day long and can't even try and do a normal patrol of pulling people over or just patrolling the city. If shop robberies would be made a bit more difficult then just running up to the safe pressing E and put a timer for 200 seconds then come back would improve the experience for everyone as it makes it more enjoyable.

The distance thing is a great idea, at least if police turn up they can search the immediate area for the suspect, if the robber moves further away it cancels the safe opening 

Added to backlog.

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