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"Change of Clothes" bag


Newcastle, UK
Brief Summary: The ability to carry a bag with a change of clothes in, that can be used to switch between an outfit.

Detailed Suggestion: At the moment, the only way you can change clothes is by accessing a wardrobe or using the clothes store. My suggestion would be to add a Clothing Bag (similar to the duffle bag) that you can carry and use to change into a different set of clothes. The clothes that you'd be able to change into would be set via a wardrobe by selecting a certain slot. You'd then be able to "use" the clothing bag and change into the clothes selected. This wouldn't be instant, there would be a loading bar for 60 seconds as an example. You could then use the duffle bag again to switch back to the clothes you were wearing previously. You could change the clothes in the "clothing bag" by changing the slot selected in a wardrobe. The duffle bag itself could be stored in a car etc, but when on your person, would be in your hands, like the duffle bag is at the moment.

The Pros:
+ Provides a new route of RP for criminals - switching clothes during police chases, bank robberies etc.
+ Allows people to switch between casual clothes and a work outfit if no wardrobes are close by.

The Cons:
- Dev time

Does this suggestion change balance on the server ? I don't believe so
Slight adjustments I would make
The bag needs to be placed then used to change this would stop people doing the change in weird ways like driving a car or running down the road ect

Once changed you can't use it again untill it's either reset at a wardrobe or replaced with a new one, in which you can make it a crafting item, so when used it's now a soiled clothes bag, then maybe if the police ever find it they can try to DNA match or something like that, kinda want to get a nice balance on it
+1 Make it so your character stays still and does an animation for like 20 seconds (maybe more/less) so its not overpowered
Slight adjustments I would make
The bag needs to be placed then used to change this would stop people doing the change in weird ways like driving a car or running down the road ect

Once changed you can't use it again untill it's either reset at a wardrobe or replaced with a new one, in which you can make it a crafting item, so when used it's now a soiled clothes bag, then maybe if the police ever find it they can try to DNA match or something like that, kinda want to get a nice balance on it
I agree with the placement idea and DNA being found on the bag, that makes sense. It means people have to be stood still to change and gives police the chance to follow up on RP if they find a clothes bag by tracing the DNA. However, I think you should be able to switch between the two outfits. if you change clothes, you still have the original clothes you took off. Maybe even if you can only switch between them once in total, then it becomes "soiled clothes" for balance.
I like the idea a lot and I think it would make for some unique/interesting roleplay situations. It would give criminals a new way to try and get away with crimes, along with giving the PD a new potential way to catch them, like with DNA as someone else mentioned.