Time Bans, I understand why people want this however I dislike the idea, reason being, I feel that it could be miss used, not saying people will do it however the best way to look into suggestions is to weigh the pro's and con's. I personally see it being abused for example, someone may cheat there way out of a situation for example. I cheat and break a rule to make my life easier in the situation and get a day ban out of it and come back onto the server the day after with my stuff that I wanted still in tact and all that's happened to me is i've had a day off the server. I personally feel the correct ban structure of "banned until appealed" is perfectly fine as it makes people play within the rules. However unban appeals be looked into to reduce waiting time etc
Mass Unbans

I actually quite like the idea, obviously if it was decided it would need looking into as there are a few people that I personally would not give the time of day to. For example, people who was so called "mates" got banned and even though I wasn't part of them getting banned decided to attack me with posting pictures of my family and taking digs of stuff that's happened in my personal life which at the time really didn't help me. Them people in my opinion do not deserve getting unbanned in a mass unban.
I'm into my 2nd spell of the staff team as I left as I was putting to much time into my staff role as i'm sure
@SI Wolfy can vouch through his spam email of the appeals i did and
@Wilco warning me of burning out

my first spell I as a staff was quite ruthless, I was quite, sad to say ban happy for a spell before doing the more casual approach to people and try and teach people (Like i used to when I played rebel ayyy
@Hammah remember lad

) instead of banning and leaving the ban as a last option for an in-game situation. I also tried to prevent alot of bans for example the time where I told UNMC and TCK to report any issues to me and sat down with both parties and sorted it out on teamspeak instead of reports. Which leads me to the suggestion of turning it back to the old times and having it as,
Players must attempt to resolve a situation before reporting, Perhaps even bring back member support where those are people who will be able to sit in during these discussions being had on teamspeak to keep the calm instead of people arguing and resulting into reports when the staff team isn't available.
Money / economy - Needs looking into big time, that includes runs, for me, might be seen slightly biast towards the police however I have played in every faction and rebel for quite some time

I feel the island regarding runs is heavily poseidon sided, the most money can be made over there lands which I disagree with, we used to have 3 drug dealers Kavala was the post expensive due to the higher risk of selling there, however there we're other options for people to do for a less a price however safer. I'm a big fan of a money wipe and I have always voiced it as much as I do feel that people have to much money on the server and I feel that it effects peoples attitude in-game during situations, I understand where people are saying they do not want it as its there hard work I get that, Would those people be happy with some sort of reward for example or something if a money wipe happened. Me personally I loved it when I started, having a great laugh until being robbed at the old oil trader and then finally joining a gang and doing 13 hemmit box runs of LSD and having at least 1 truck blow up during each run due to a certain someone "VTEC" xD Old TFE members will know what I mean there lol. I do think that runs and that could do with some work get some certain runs that give more money but in higher risk places etc and some easier runs for less but safer etc.
Poseidon, Now i'm going to get hate for this from people. I never understand the background, A drugs cartel that allows people to sell drugs at there lands, I disagree with it, I feel that poseidon should be pushing for more profit from letting people do it, be more of stronger more fierce force. It was suggested a while back that poseidon should be moved and get rid of the border and be given a different area with no border and more "hidden". I loved the idea to be honest give them a revamp of ideas of what to do and that way prove that they are on the island illegally and doing stuff like an actual cartel. (Not saying anything bad about people in poseidon I do think there are multiple people that have given me personally some amazing RP but I feel there is alot of potential that could be had with Poseidon instead of making them like a second police force.)
I rejoined the staff team / server as people would complain to me saying that the roleplay is dying. I love that this thread has been made as it hopefully will bring change for the better, as much as people think the staff are against people I / we ain't, this server helped me through some hard times which this server acted like and escape for me, I returned to repay the debt I felt like I had, Hopefully better day await
(everything said here is my view and does not represent the staff teams view. I decided to comment here for openness with the hole community)