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Change is needed and the floor is open

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focus on old members rather than new ones 🙂 
Old members doesn't bring the number up? New players also deserve a chance to experience stuff without getting robbed every 2 seconds. 

@SI JAEGARN Open doors, As far as I know the dev team does play the server they are in full control of what updates and content they put into updates, There is no input from people who do not play the server, In fact management do not get involved unless there is a big balancing issue which there hasn't been (unless prices have become an issue)

I concur about the banning one person others leave, but we find sometimes the others are worse than the person being banned (Jon Snows case for example), Always an hard one!
Some of the devs are very rarely on the server though. 

And yes, i do know this about some cases. Its a tough one to crack, but its a fact to be honest. You have a bunch of people who started out playing here, then one gets banned, and the rest will follow him to somewhere else... Its not an easy job, but sometimes of something has been said without ill intensions or towards anyone, before waveing the hammer, give them a warning. But at the same time, i get your point aswell...

Also, some old members that would like to come back, but are now banned. If they we're to get unbanned, maybe they should bring back some more people. Ofc, some may probably just wanna come back to disturb the community, but i think mostly everyone who writes a somewhat decent appeal actually want to come back, and regret what they did. I mean, if they fuck up again, they're just a playerID in a database right?

However @Wilco i think we all appriciate you takeing this time to do this, and hopefully something will come out of it. It has to

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Old members doesn't bring the number up? New players also deserve a chance to experience stuff without getting robbed every 2 seconds. 
I agree with this, I joined about a little over a month ago and ended up getting robbed everytime I left the greenzone, the only time I actually managed to remain safe more than 30 minutes was when a guy who was planning on leaving the server, gave me around 200k and let me steal his littlebird at the scrap dealer.

I think that a dynamic market would definetly help rebel life, at the moment people have no reason to do legal runs like aluminium but it would shake things up if one week copper was worth more than drugs for example, also maybe increase the price of fuel so people cant just fly around in heli's all day. I think this would shake up the general play style and might make the rebel/civilian life more appealing.

Hi Wilco, Yes the big question is why are other 'RP' servers still full pop but numbers here are dropping off? 

Arma is still very active with over 20000 a day at most times.

I am sure everyone appreciates dev and staff work is done in free time, but the other servers have large active dev teams and feedback is key with regular changes.

I will list the main issues i think need addressing -

1.  The gap between staff/management and the players - This is one of the biggest issues for me, again i understand everyone has stuff to do irl but the fact i have heard you speak just once in 5 years and the past 3 community meetings not one dev was active to answer questions can be really off putting. 

My resolution to this would be to arrange community meetings around times when these specific people are available for an amount of time and for devs and management to engage with the community more frequently. 

2. Unban appeals - I mentioned this in the last community meeting, the generic question and answer that happens on every unban appeal slows things down and people just give up because the response time is quite honestly pathetic. 

My resolution - Staff discretion, if someone has a long history keep them banned but just give the reason and deny it day one. If someone is going to be unbanned anyway just unban them, generally the whole process with unban and perm unban is way to long.

3. Weekly events RP/PVP redzones etc for prizes - Again another topic mentioned at the last meeting, have weekly rp and pvp events with leaderboards and  prizes like uniforms guns houses vehicles etc. Do capture events and any random rp events on Friday and Saturday evenings.

4. Communication and negativity from the dev team -  Another issues bought up in the meeting was the fact we were told dev team and management do not communicate? bit weird imo, also complaints about dev team general attitude towards posts and suggestions.

5. Forum activity and restrictions   This is another big issue imo, when i created a post about server changes it had nearly 100 replies, because i made the post i was punished becuase you got faceplamed, also someone was banned because of the facepalms, 


If you look at the warning reason above, you are saying if your not enjoying yourself then have time away, the fact of the matter is people are not enjoying themselves and have left the community entirely. 

I think the general attitude towards community members the past few years and the huge divide between management and player has played a big downfall in the playerbase and created big barriers between people within the community. 


I agree with @Cap 

But also there has to be a balance, its not about one group of people. Its about everyone. Don't segregate the Old from the New people. 

New players need some sort of grace period to experience the server without being ran down in an instant. Not sure how this would be installed.

I believe when the runs were all Nerf'd and changed, along with the zones. The server began to struggle because the limitations on how we make money aren't worth while. A lot of people will not touch any of the basic Drug runs or the Wood runs etc. 

The prices are fine in my opinion. Just do some runs? Canny because you either get destroyed by Poseidon/ Police depending on the run and then the other runs are worth pennies. Could even just change the locations of the runs? Different timed runs could make it more beneficial for some products even if the price of the product isn't changed.

Poseidon probably need more of a goal than just fighting people also. Id like to see a different faction involved but that could just be because I wasn't around during UNMC.

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Bring in/ Bring back sea based money making runs since we are on an island we might need to make use of the sea as well as the land. 

im going to address a few points as to why i feel like the server is currently decreasing in numbers, a lot of this has probably already been heard and some of it is more than likely coming in the next update. clearly as seen by chalres vanes post the other night (wanted to tag but couldn't find him), this server thrives of rebels being active. this gives the 2 other whitelisted factions something to do as to be honest lets face it. no rebels police get bored. and with Poseidon numbers also being low recently its given cops even less to do on the server which hasn't helped the server numbers. rebels need an update. from an outside view looking in its almost like the server is trying to kill rebels off, high gun prices for example. I've previously mentioned this but it can take up to 1 hour to do a run of high quality weed which is the BEST run to do. this gives you like 1 million and when  full price. this is literally one loadout. for a lot of new players they see this and must be like nah, no way. which to be honest i must agree with, if i didn't have money on this server it would be hard for me to play. i would recommended either dropping the prices. or making the runs more profitable. secondly give rebels an advantage, its almost like whatever rebels have whitelisted factions must have as well, its always been the same, give us somethings that neither faction have. granted the new addition of  7.62 suppressors were nice and that is one thing police or Poseidon cannot craft. the top and bottom of this is give rebels an advantage, we aren't a whitelisted faction. we don't have massive numbers.

the process of banning people. now i feel like this is a major issue right now. i understand people break rules, they get banned for it. for example lets say a guy is seen  vdming in game yeah, if its taken to a report. 9 times out of 10 if its there first offence they will be given a warning for it. but if an admin is spectating it in game  they wont even speak to the guy and be like come on, you know better. you will be given a warning with it being first offence, its just a straight up ban. now recently admins especially @Aiden has been doing what was asked by the community which was to not drag out unban appeals as some people haven't got weeks to wait to get unbanned, i feel like this has helped out a lot. i mean you can clearly tell with a player if their serious about playing here, and when there just hear to break rules. i feel like the people  who play here consistently if in the situation of being banned should always be given another chance, its not like they are purposely getting themselves banned every time  there unbanned. were only human, we all make mistakes and i don't feel like we should be perma banned/punished for making a few errors, like I've said. you can tell who wants to be here and who doesn't

now this is something that i feel like would really help out the community, as we have seen numbers are low mainly because we have no rebels, i think a great suggestion is to just say fuck it. why not give people the freedom to do what they want, for example if your a cop. let a cop play rebel whenever they want under a different name, I don't see how this is a major issue, if 5 6 7 cops wanted to go play rebel for the day. let them without them getting perma blacklisted without appeal like I did, then that gives the other 25-30 cops something to do, and then gives rebels a boost in numbers i personally see this as a great idea.  

top and bottom of it is more rebels = more activity its as simple as that, im not going to comment on updates ect im sure the devs are doing there best  but just gives up more to do. trust me with 1 good update and a few things tweaked it will make the server what it once was, I would strongly suggest what ive said in the above paragraph. it will make one hell of a difference trust me.

my bad if ive mentioned some of the things what others have, if anything it just makes the case stronger 🙂 cheers 

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Points of improvement in my humble opinion:

1. Communication; even within the staff team there was a lot of 'need to know' stuff that should have been shared with the community but instead wasn't even shared with the entire staff team. This creates a distance and sometimes even rifts between the staff itself and staff and the community. This is an adult community, so sharing information and reasoning why some things cause issues or are being postponed will cause a lot less issues than silence. It's easier to accept a situation if you know why it is happening.

2. Activity on the server; Some of the staff members haven't played on the server for months or have played as little as an hour in the past month. They have become estranged from the community and are therefore not really suitable to represent them.

3. Realism trumps fun; In the end this is a game, and it should first and foremost be fun. A lot of people try to have a laugh and create fun scenarios. For example there was a VIP event with a so called minister and some unarmed workers wanted to talk to the minister and give him a hard hat. The police pointed guns at them and frankly told them that if they don't leave they will be shot. In my opinion some factions go a bit overboard with their power. They are even more 'realistic' than real life, forgetting that having fun is what it's all about.
Case in point: even an actual cop knows how to dance and have a little fun 😉

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4. Poseidon: Poseidon should in my opinion be less about controlling an area and more about controlling a dynamic market. Let them have secret (movable?) hideouts and undercover clothes like a real cartel.

5. History: Some people have a turbulent history on the server but haven't slipped up once in over a year, truly turning their lives around so to speak. But then an accidental NLR breach or whatever minor rule break can give them a permanent ban due to history. I feel like circumstances and good behaviour should weigh into that decision more than is being done right now.

Hope my points are useful, feel free to add to it or ask questions about it.

it isn't because the much loved moon is missing from the sky
Clearly still in denial

I think the server started noticeably get more boring since (with all due respect to him) DJ added uranium and blood diamonds. It wasn’t because the runs were a bad idea, it was only because the prices were bad on it and it feels like ever since then we couldn’t get the right balance. I think we need to go back to the drawing board and rethink the prices of all runs and change locations just to freshen things up; obviously not all runs are going to be balanced but we can expand the factory to make sure at least most things have an actual use so that you’re not only relying on profit encouraging people to do runs; this would mean even the wealthiest rebels would still have a reason to do a run to benefit themselves and we will also see people doing a bigger variety of runs.

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So we’ll start with bans and reports, a few things need changing. Player bans should only be actioned from reports, an admin spectating a player/group should not be allowed to ban them on the spot, unless obviously someone is running around kavala throwing around racial slurs or somebody is attempting to mass RDM, just obvious shit you know? This includes videos being passed along to admins. If everything is taken to a report, even if it’s from an admin spectating, it then gives the other party a chance to defend themselves, a lot of players are banned or have been banned for ridiculous things, including myself.

Time frame bans would be very nice, exile servers use them, if you’re caught breaking a rule, whether guilty of it or not, you’ll be banned between 3-14 days, at the same time you can open an unban appeal to have your ban revoked or shortened. However you would need to be very quick with responses to appeals.

Being lenient with reports/unbans would be good too, I understand this is a strict community however maybe its time to just be easier on players, stop taking everything so seriously as if this is real life. It’s a GAME.

Another thing is “whitelisted protection” admins reading this can deny it as much as they want, but its true, it has been for years, if you are a rebel group that can continuously beat the cops/whoever in a fight, over and over again, you will be watched by admins, and for the smallest hiccup you will be banned, which will then reflect negatively on your entire gang. People can deny this as much as they want, but I was a rebel for three years and now I’ve been in the police for a year, I’ve seen it from both sides and believe me the police get away with A LOT of things.

Server runs need seriously changing, ever since Poseidon drug runs were added, you will almost never see anyone doing queensland drugs. HMMT box’s of weed used to be 1.1million a run which would take around 25minutes, cocaine in a Huron was around 1.2million, and heroin was somewhere around there however I never really tried it. Poseidon was added, queenland drug runs say weed, went down to about 600k a run and now you’ll never see anyone doing runs on our side. This then results in us, going over to Poseidon drug locations, having a massive firefight and then eventually logging off. The dynamic system used to be good, you do too much of 1 run and the price drops, so you have to do something else, however the current prices of queensland drugs aren’t worth doing when you can go over to Poseidon, pay for a border pass and do drugs all day with Poseidon protection. I’m sure people will be able to elaborate more on this as I know many people have brilliant ideas, especially @Charles Vane.

It would also be nice to actually see management members at community meetings, I understand if you cant make it, however last meeting it was mentioned than maybe we can decide on community meeting dates where a management member will actually be able to attend, including devs.

Another one is server lag, I’m sure at one point devs said that “lag” doesn’t exist on the server, however it really does, with the server being as dead as it has recently, there has been no issues until the other night where Charles got a lot of people on and we pushed around 115 players or so and the lag was back, people teleporting through buildings, face to face being killed when their gun isn’t even being fired, surely there’s something you guys can do to reduce this?

Adding on to what Shaun said about police/Poseidon being able play rebel, it would be really nice, we suggested it in a community meeting a few months ago however I don’t think it went anywhere. Rebels really are the key to the server, if we’re allowed to go on police holidays every two months for a week to play rebel, maybe we can just make it so we can play both whenever we want with no downsides to our faction ranks?

Last we’ll talk about YoCo, this isn’t the place to be doing it, however since this thread has your attention it will be done here. A lot of rules were broken that night, (I was there) shots were fired inside the police station by police and rebels, bla bla bla we were all unbanned the next day with Ciaran saying that next time only the first person who shot will banned, which is good. However we feel that Yoco is purely banned because he spoke out about Stavik shooting inside the bluezone and receiving no punishment, whereas we were all banned. I also know he messaged a staff member about how much of an embarrassment it was, but I highly doubt you’d ban him for that right? So I believe it is time you actually tell us what exactly YoCo has done to be banned because we all want to know, as far as we know, he’s banned for speaking up against an admin. So why was he banned? Since everything he did say in his last unban appeal was true, and I would know that because I was there on the police side.

Clearly still in denial

I think the server started noticeably get more boring since (with all due respect to him) DJ added uranium and blood diamonds. It wasn’t because the runs were a bad idea, it was only because the prices were bad on it and it feels like ever since then we couldn’t get the right balance. I think we need to go back to the drawing board and rethink the prices of all runs and change locations just to freshen things up; obviously not all runs are going to be balanced but we can expand the factory to make sure at least most things have an actual use so that you’re not only relying on profit encouraging people to do runs; this would mean even the wealthiest rebels would still have a reason to do a run to benefit themselves and we will also see people doing a bigger variety of runs.
Whereas from my experience, I left the server back near the end of 2017, complete hobo not knowing much about the server, and when i returned, march 2018 all these new runs had appeared(including blood diamonds and uranium). However the real killer were the barns. I managed to get my hands on a barn and within a couple weeks of very little grinding I had advanced, a Huron and a Taru. From my experience when they changed the run payouts to now(from the 2 mill for blood diamonds etc) people struggled with weapons, along with the price increases.

i also think rules need to be loosened. If for example a group of people/ couple people are sat together speaking and it is with no rp/little rp basis and more OOC, as long as no one is getting upset just let them. We are all here for a laugh, and sometimes people can only catch up in game rather than through ts etc. Another example could be with banning people for being rude towards someone, if the person who they insulted etc to the extent of which got them banned is forgiven by that person, just let them be. 

and a final thing. Imo ban record after a year should no longer being actively used in reports etc. I’m not saying remove them, but complete ignorance of warnings and bans over a year old (with exclusion of certain bans) should be used within reports. This is for situations where staff are like you have x warnings/bans combined over your time here - yet they could have thousands of hours on the server. Obviously if you play for a long time you will break rules, so long past mistakes should be forgiven 

So as one of the inactive but old players I have maybe a few ideas that could bring people back.

1.Mass unban, yes just do it. get some active staff members and make sure you inform everyone correctly and this shouldnt be the biggest issue. Dont want to make it too controversial but back when i was in The Increment I was like 16 and so were most of the others. We were immature as shit and to no ones suprise we got blanket banned but we are all adults now and I doubt they hold a grudge from something from 3 years ago. This is probably the case for most people that got a ban older then 1 year.

2. Reform the cops, comparing the cops from a few years ago to what I have seen in the past year and a half its total chaos and aids. Most cops might aswell buy call of duty and get the same experience besides that maybe in call of duty they can get some kills.(inb4 salt) but forcing more RP into whitelisted gangs may increase the experience for new players.

3.bring back Tanoa without the shit economy, Back when apex released the island of Tanoa came with it and what did RPUK do? They made a server dedicated for Tanoa but fucked up the economy which led to people sort of exploiting( Ty Cool for the Police report <3), Tanoa with the normal RPUK economy could be fun and refreshing. also everyone owns that DLC these days.

Maybe some other ideas will come later but thats all I could think of what could encourage me to come back.

Personally I think we need much more frequent updates or updates at the current rate but with a lot more in them.

My reason behind this is anytime I see any of my games on steam updated it makes me want to go and see the new content and stuff to do, on RPUK if there is a update everyone is excited to see the new stuff and logs on, if the stuff in there is what the community has been asking for people will want to keep playing, it’s important to remember the updates should make people want to keep playing by adding what is being asked for, not make things currently in the server worse. Example being weapon or attachment prices, moon etc. 

I am not 100% sure on how the development team works internally as there isn’t a lot of transparency but If it isn’t already running like this I would suggest the Devs are allowed to develop what ever they want without dev lead giving the go ahead as long as it’s been approved in factions/devs and the Dev Leads set the priorities that need to be done before hand, afterwards it’s just getting done what people have time for on the waiting list.

this is no way a dig at the dev team as I know they work hard however I do think small tweaks could make a big difference.

- Shepherd

I am not 100% sure on how the development team works internally as there isn’t a lot of transparency but If it isn’t already running like this I would suggest the Devs are allowed to develop what ever they want without dev lead giving the go ahead as long as it’s been approved in factions/devs and the Dev Leads set the priorities that need to be done before hand, afterwards it’s just getting done what people have time for on the waiting list.
Already works that way

2. Reform the cops, comparing the cops from a few years ago to what I have seen in the past year and a half its total chaos and aids. Most cops might aswell buy call of duty and get the same experience besides that maybe in call of duty they can get some kills.(inb4 salt) but forcing more RP into whitelisted gangs may increase the experience for new players.
This is a big one cops are meant to be an example of excellent RP however whenever I have played it often seems the case I get some of the worse RP from cops.

Last we’ll talk about YoCo, this isn’t the place to be doing it, however since this thread has your attention it will be done here. A lot of rules were broken that night, (I was there) shots were fired inside the police station by police and rebels, bla bla bla we were all unbanned the next day with Ciaran saying that next time only the first person who shot will banned, which is good. However we feel that Yoco is purely banned because he spoke out about Stavik shooting inside the bluezone and receiving no punishment, whereas we were all banned. I also know he messaged a staff member about how much of an embarrassment it was, but I highly doubt you’d ban him for that right? So I believe it is time you actually tell us what exactly YoCo has done to be banned because we all want to know, as far as we know, he’s banned for speaking up against an admin. So why was he banned? Since everything he did say in his last unban appeal was true, and I would know that because I was there on the police side.
YoCo has been communicated too why he was banned and will not be returning. You should ask him if you can. 

YoCo has been communicated too why he was banned and will not be returning. You should ask him if you can. 
I have, I speak to him quite frequently. From the messages Ive seen, there is nothing in my eyes that warrants a 1.6

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