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Change Fishing Pools

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Brief Summary: 

Change Fishing in terms of pools.

Detailed Suggestion:

The suggestion here is about the pools that is the real money maker these days.

I believe that fishing is a bit OP these days for new people. A person can spend few hours looking for sharks and then make plenty of money for few days and then lose all the interest in roleplaying properly. In my opinion fishing has killed a lot of roleplay for people in the city, some people tend to go out to the sea in these pools and fish all day.

Some people come in the city and say that it is pretty dead inside well it is not dead it is just that people are outside in the sea fishing in these pools. I have seen some people have loads of boats in the sea and do no roleplay, they sit there like robots and just press some buttons on keyboards and get some fishes some people do speak and have some roleplay but I would much prefer roleplay in city. Here is a picture of some fishers in a poolhttps://i.gyazo.com/ceebf8427464cdcd390ef11e7f42c888.png .

I have 2 solutions for this.

Solution 1:
The solution for that would be pretty simple. After every restart you should not be able to see pools on the map instantly and you should have to do some steps before getting the locations of pools. I.e There should be a shady man somewhere and you would have to speak to him and find out the location or there is some NPC somewhere on the map and you have to pay him a bit and then he will give you the locations. It just should not be on the map instantly in my opinion, it is illegal to catch sharks and turtles and finding it out instantly is just not ideal in my opinion. There should be some steps before getting the location. I sometimes as a police officer do not like going there as it just does not make any sense for me to know where the pools are after looking at my GPS. Police officers do show up at pools but I doubt they can do much and I do not mind that happening either, it is fine that police loses in that area. 

Solution 2:
There should be limited amount of fish in the pool. A specific amount should be there in the pool and then after few minutes of fishing it should get empty so people can come back to city and do some roleplay. I have heard and personally seen some people say that they are gonna sit near the pools for at least 6 hours. Where is the fun in that? For them I do not know but for me who is here to have some good roleplay scenarios there is no fun. So for people who are there to wait for 6 hours the pool should get empty in 1 hour maybe? Somewhere along those lines. There are people who know better than me so they can decide better. I would say that there should be pools there everyday but it should be limited and people after certain amount of time should not be able to get more sharks or 4 PM - 8 PM there should be more fish in pools and 8 PM - 8 AM there should be less. Maybe more shark pools but less sharks in there so first come first serve?

Final note: I just put this out there but I feel like there can be many other things that can be changed by devs to change fishing up a bit and make the city from the inside more merrier. 
If people want to add more comments on top of this or they have better solutions then feel free to add them below.

The Pros:

No 1: More roleplay
No 2: City will look more populated
No 3: People will stop burning themselves out by fishing all day.
No 4: Server economy will get a bit better due to some people not having loads of money after few hours of fishing.

The Cons:

No 1: Money will be harder to make.
No 2: New players will have to go through a lot more before making money instantly.
No 3: People will have to find other ways to make money and the money will be harder to make.

Does this suggestion change balance on the server ?

Yes it does bring balance, there would be more roleplay and less grinding. Items will be more harder to gain and new people will not get their hands on things instantly and they would have to go through more things. The economy will get a bit more balanced.

As someone who did fishing to make money on my first civ: This.
I did fishing for about a week or two, ended up with more money than I needed, and it ended up completely removing any reason to interact with people other than "Hey, I want to buy your car for no other reason than because I can".
  I actually got to the point where I gave away money like candy...quite literally, I gave away candy for free.

This is just my point of view: The job that requires no moving and can be done with one finger, almost ad nauseum, should not be the apex moneymaker.
The only risks with fishing: There is about a 1% chance of being robbed while fishing / selling, and that will only happen if there is no one else at the pool/fishing shack. The other risks are being eaten by a cougar at said fishing shack or killing yourself driving there.

I'm the same as @Melondwarf. I fished for many hours in the first few weeks of being here, as nothing really compared. I quickly got enough to buy some fancy vehicles, and then my aspirations career-wise dwindled a little.

I admit this is a conscious choice though that I and others make. I could have taken it slower, but it's hard to do that when something so appealing exists.

I like both of the solutions. I'd be interesting hear whether you see the second idea of pools running out being limited to turtle / shark pools? Or do you mean for all pools? As honestly I would be happy with either route. Fishing feels like it stands above most things when considering all factors (effort risk and reward). I should say I also love fishing in games though, so would carry on doing it regardless!

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I agree 100% fishing used to be so OP before the update and now people just fish for when there is a shark pool (granted not everyone but majority) Standing there pressing a button every couple seconds isnt RP in my eyes. I got bored of fishing very quickly it was such a grind and it removed myself away from people and RP'ing with other people. I like the suggestions made above. Obviously there are people on this server RP'ing as fishermen/woman which we wouldnt want to take it away from them BUT at the same time with shark pools its far far to easy to get them. +1 from me

Fishing needs to be changed, its fucking the entire economy and roleplay aspect. The amount of shark pools recently have ruined economy and social interaction. Shark Pool? Good luck finding any more than 6 people in the town. Its so boring and aids

Fishing needs to be changed, its fucking the entire economy and roleplay aspect. The amount of shark pools recently have ruined economy and social interaction. Shark Pool? Good luck finding any more than 6 people in the town. Its so boring and aids
I agree, most people just end up out fishing, there's no RP involved at all because people are farming like robots. I think temporarily removing turtles and sharks, aswell as their pools is needed. As people are no longer RP'ing and risking stuff for money, it's just mindless button clicking for hours on end.

Fishing needs to be changed, its fucking the entire economy and roleplay aspect. The amount of shark pools recently have ruined economy and social interaction. Shark Pool? Good luck finding any more than 6 people in the town. Its so boring and aids
Never thought id say this in my life but i agree with Freddie Mercury 😂 As NHS when shark pools are active im out there almost doing nothing. Something needs to change, like trucking used to be the big earner and since a small revamp to it its now died down and i feel the same needs to happen to fishing to not force people to not do it but to try and engage more people to RP wether that be reducing the sharks or reducing the money earnt from it as its so easy to get money and everyone works towards getting imports meaning those "rare" imports are no longer rare they become common and then every tom dick and harry has a ton of money.

Went on NHS duty a few days ago when there was a shark pool. Sat around for a good 40 minutes before an actual call came in. We basically have to invent our own ways to treat people (COVID vaccination camps etc) simply because there's no one around to be injured.
Sharkpools absolutely KILLS the server in every other aspect than moneyfarming.

Suggestion: Make legal jobs more profitable with the time they are practised. When I found out I dont get any more money from levling the Mechaning, I dropped it. Interactive jobs should become a solid income and illegal should be really risky to get caught, so there is an actually downplay to the illegal variant. 

Pull some options on how and when fishing is do-able is not going to solve the core problem of getting money in the city. 

-> Motivation to actually practise a legal job with more variation of stuff to do with advanced skill level. I thought for instance in the beginning there is a progress of being Taxi driver as well, but there isnt. 

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Just for reference, in case someone isn't aware of how bad it's gotten, this is what @FragstarGamesand I were greeted by when reaching the shark pool on an NHS call. To my count there are 75 people visible, and there were more boats to the left not shown in the image.
75 people = 32% of the server population



No longer relevant, but thank you for the suggestion.

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