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Change dodgy doctor so there is 100% success rate when accepting

Robin A

Since the hospitals have begun taking guns at an extremely high rate, criminals have somewhat been forced to use the dodgy doctor whenever downed, if the dodgy goes well then the downed individual is revived. However, even when accepted there is a chance that the person can still die, to me this makes no sense and it feels somewhat unfair and it's also not just about the items, for example if a rival gang would to kidnap me and down me in the process then subsequently take me to the dodgy doctor, I may want to continue the roleplay with them and there is no guarantee that this could happen. 

In my opinion, this wouldn't be a buff to criminals more a quality of life feature that should be added and I think most can agree that losing a gun to pillbox is the most demoralising thing ever as there is literally no roleplay behind it and its just a free win for police. 

If the devs deem this too strong, you could add another feature where by the dodgy doctor sells 2 different types of defibs, one being 50k and having somewhat high chance of working and another being 100k and 100% chance of working.

The Pros:

- more roleplay opportunities

- more enjoyable for crims

The Cons:

- there is none

Does this suggestion change balance on the server ?


+1 helps rob grow as an individual

but on a real just remove the pillbox gun system, don't know why it got introduced 

+1 with the hospital i feel like having to go to the front desk to collect your items is good but the fact that an NPC takes things from you is unfair and only police or NHS should be able to search your items with an RP reason 

+1 to the suggestion, comments seem to have been steered more towards bashing the hospital system but for dodgy docs yeah I think when you accept it 100% chance of success would be better

Personally don’t think it should be 100% because its still a ‘dodgy’ doctor who realistically should still fuck up from time to time. Have no idea what the %chance of survival is currently but 95% would seem ‘fair’ to me.

It's a dodgy doctor for a reason - If you want proper, reliable treatment; you'll have to seek an actual NHS professional. 
You're lucky if 'Dr. Coathanger' has at least watched a DIY YouTube video regarding your specific injuries and doesn't just guess! 

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It's a dodgy doctor for a reason - If you want proper, reliable treatment; you'll have to seek an actual NHS professional. 
You're lucky if 'Dr. Coathanger' has at least watched a DIY YouTube video regarding your specific injuries and doesn't just guess! 
Agree with this.


It's a dodgy doctor for a reason - If you want proper, reliable treatment; you'll have to seek an actual NHS professional. 
You're lucky if 'Dr. Coathanger' has at least watched a DIY YouTube video regarding your specific injuries and doesn't just guess! 

Maybe use NHS instead.... They might not ever be around (I can say that shut up), don't see why they should have 100% when they are Dodgy sketchy doctors not by medical equipment and just randomly placed around


It's a dodgy doctor for a reason - If you want proper, reliable treatment; you'll have to seek an actual NHS professional. 
You're lucky if 'Dr. Coathanger' has at least watched a DIY YouTube video regarding your specific injuries and doesn't just guess! 
Just because he is a "dogdy" doctor doesn't mean he isn't medically trained he is dodgy because he is standing somewhere in the middle of nowhere giving medical help thats what makes him dodgy. to your logical somtimes he can heal someone up thats fully shot or has difficult wounds but sometimes he doesn't know what he is doing?. This suggestion to makes sense not for the gun but for the fact that ive seen many time where people accepted the dodgy to continue the roleplay but die anyway. 

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Just because he is a "dogdy" doctor doesn't mean he isn't medically trained he is dodgy because he is standing somewhere in the middle of nowhere giving medical help thats what makes him dodgy. to your logical somtimes he can heal someone up thats fully shot or has difficult wounds but sometimes he doesn't know what he is doing?. This suggestion to makes sense not for the gun but for the fact that ive seen many time where people accepted the dodgy to continue the roleplay but die anyway. 
However most doctors perform life saving surgeries in an operating theater, with more than one doctor & nurses etc assisting. Not some back-alley on their own with tools purchased online or in a pharamaceutical store. It's not a question of "Does he know what he is doing?", it's a question of complications with the surgery & it going wrong, whether that be by infection, blood loss etc. and that is a risk any player takes when using Dr Coathanger instead of a Hospital with an operating team.

Some surgeries don't have an 100% success rate and that's just reality. And by using some "dodgy" medical professional who works in back-alleys & shipping containers, with no operating rooms or the correct/best equipment & tools, that survival chance drops, again, a risk anyone takes when they make that choice. 

With that being said, -1 

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The suggestion is more of a response to pillbox taking guns at such a high rate, I don't necessarily want dodgy to change I just want there to be a safe option as pillbox is no longer viable.

pillbox is no longer viable.
The only logical thing I can see that could become a thing.

A) A person carries you to a bed therefore your belongings should have a lesser or even no chance of being swooped as medical personnel aren’t escorting you to a bed but a friend.

B) Remove the stealing of medical items however I doubt this will be a thing.

C) Create a secondary choice for dodgy doctors where paying a 100K for a better chance of resuscitation say 90% 

D) This is more of an RP solution, wait for an actual NHS worker to try save you instead of the AI doctors 

It's a dodgy doctor for a reason - If you want proper, reliable treatment; you'll have to seek an actual NHS professional. 
You're lucky if 'Dr. Coathanger' has at least watched a DIY YouTube video regarding your specific injuries and doesn't just guess! 
Agree with this aswell. I do think on a side note that the Hospital having a chance to take your stuff still doesn't make much sense alot of people have pointed this out in the past because realistically if you getting dropped of at pillbox you can get someone to search you and take anything illegal but obviously in RP this is impossible unless there was a similar mechanic to the carry one where you can accept to be searched and if people want they can take stuff with your permission but thats just my opinion on it.
But as for the dodgys they are good as they are.

Just because he is a "dogdy" doctor doesn't mean he isn't medically trained he is dodgy because he is standing somewhere in the middle of nowhere giving medical help thats what makes him dodgy. to your logical somtimes he can heal someone up thats fully shot or has difficult wounds but sometimes he doesn't know what he is doing?. This suggestion to makes sense not for the gun but for the fact that ive seen many time where people accepted the dodgy to continue the roleplay but die anyway. 
Perhaps, but even if 'Dr. Coathanger' was a trained surgeon, chances of dying on his "operating table" should in my opinion still be rather high, specially considering the fact that he don't actually have an operating table, let alone a clean room to operate in.

Most  'Dr. Coathanger' patients come with a GSW, an injury not guaranteed to recover from, even in a fully equipped hospital, manned with professional nurses and surgeons as well as being monitored during the recovery period.
Not to mention the fact that they'd use a sterile set of tools in the hospital, unlike 'Dr. Coathanger'...

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