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Ceasefire! UNMC vs PLF

You ain't ever going to hear surrender come out of my mouth. The last thing I said to the UNMC was something along the lines of 'I ain't paying no tax, I'll be driving on through and putting a bullet in your brain first.' Then there was a dead UNMC member and a war on our hands. Now, the flattening sofia is something more likely. I mean, we've flattened their drug market by robbing over £4 million in the last few days. And we will flatten them. 

Our hands have been tied, unfortunately. What more do you expect from a botched 'military' group that allows those who would piss all over the revolution, access to security? They can barely watch over their own checkpoint, never mind the entirety of their lands! No more.

lol i dont no how you can keep thinking you can just walk through us surely last night 5 vs 5 battle showed we wont be walked over with all 5 of you dead and not one of us

lol i dont no how you can keep thinking you can just walk through us surely last night 5 vs 5 battle showed we wont be walked over with all 5 of you dead and not one of us
Blaze... This is a video made for fun by a person who is not a part of the war. Lighten up the mood a little bit!

As Grannez said, I'm not involved in this conflict whatsoever. I'm not even playing on the server for a while, I simply made this video because the film fit the situation very nicely. 

 i was only stating that whenever a thread about plf vs unmc comes up the plf members are always comming on and saying how bad we are and how they will steam roller us into the sea, and how we cant do this and that and i was just pointing out how that is not the case :D
