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Car Stance, Fitment, Slammed, Hellaflush options


Well-known member
Power Street PDM
Brief Summary:

Add the ability to adjust stance of car and fitment of wheels and tires.

Detailed Suggestion:

There are currently a few cars that has widebody kits available, but they just don't look right with the standard track width of car and wheels combo.
Good examples are the Karin 190z and Chevrolet Camaro (added recently)
Examples of what each of the terms mentioned in the title means : https://www.fitmentindustries.com/blogs/161/4-different-styles-of-fitment

I can think of two ways to do this
1) Duplicate the stock wheel option for selected vehicles, and set them to different track widths (according to stance).
2) FiveM VStancer mod and create presets - https://forum.cfx.re/t/release-c-vstancer/79219

The Pros:

Increased customization for players, and cars are more aesthetically pleasing to look at.

Police can also issue ticket or worse case impound  vehicle during traffic stop for illegal modifications.

Goes well with the new import directions with highly customizable vehicles.

The Cons:

Not easy to implement (I'm assuming)
Might spawn handling issues with vehicles

Does this suggestion change balance on the server ?


This should be revisited with the amount of cars on the server now with wide body kits. 

Bump due to more cars on server with wide bodykits


need the ability to make fun of hondas that are stanced to fuck lmao
