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Capture Zones / Capture Points

What stats would you like to see from these zones

  • Total time owned (i.e Gang Y has held Rebel Airport for 12 hours this month!)

    Votes: 60 55.6%
  • Total points gained (similar to the above, but the points would just be analogous to time, with poin

    Votes: 51 47.2%
  • Total kills in all zones by group (overall)

    Votes: 52 48.1%
  • Total kills in each zone by group

    Votes: 51 47.2%
  • Total deaths in all zones by group (overall)

    Votes: 29 26.9%
  • Total deaths in each zone by group

    Votes: 26 24.1%
  • Who currently owns the zone (i.e a live updating zone ownership indicator)

    Votes: 77 71.3%

  • Total voters
How will rewards for capping work for factions / rebels will there be money gained everytime it´s capped, money for kills inside zones or how is it looking?

How will rewards for capping work for factions / rebels will there be money gained everytime it´s capped, money for kills inside zones or how is it looking?
This balance will need to be got right, as I can see factions coming down and completely domimating the currently week rebel forces. When rebels become more stronger, it will be less of an issue however currently Poseidon will dominate most rebel attempts of fighting, whilst against the police it is a bit more even. I believe one way of doing this could be removing NLR for civs, whilst reducing NLR for factions - make it 5/7.5 minutes. Espeiclaly as civs pay more, so some will still decide to go and do a run after dying anyway, whilst others may buy worse/cheaper gear to keep costs down.

Cheers Ciaran for this, great to finally see this stuff we've been waiting for so long for. Like Simon though my only worry is that this becomes faction-dominated, as they have the obvious numerical advantage, specifically Poseidon who also tend to be more skilled players - maybe low monetary rewards for factions but high rewards for rebels are needed so that they can afford the large amount of lost gear from zone fighting, and so that factions don't spend all their times in the zones. Other than that though this looks brilliant, it could be what we need to get server pop back where it was.

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Cheers Ciaran for this, great to finally see this stuff we've been waiting for so long for. Like Simon though my only worry is that this becomes faction-dominated, as they have the obvious numerical advantage, specifically Poseidon who also tend to be more skilled players - maybe low monetary rewards for factions but high rewards for rebels are needed so that they can afford the large amount of lost gear from zone fighting, and so that factions don't spend all their times in the zones. Other than that though this looks brilliant, it could be what we need to get server pop back where it was.
Tbh, factions will probably be all over it for the first few days due to it being new and fun but after that it'll probably just go down to being AR/Lobos that mainly venture over there from the factions.

How will rewards for capping work for factions / rebels will there be money gained everytime it´s capped, money for kills inside zones or how is it looking?
Right now I'm thinking a constant trickle added to paychecks while you own it (split between the gang members). I'm worried about giving money for captures, since this could be abused (two gangs move a member in and out repeatedly and shift it every 10 minutes so they get max payout, for example). For factions I haven't yet decided whether they will receive any monetary reward, this system is mainly designed to encourage gang vs gang combat, however the option for Police and Poseidon to take it is there so they can deny that zone from groups for any reasons (e.g preventing rebels from accessing perks related to the zone).

Regarding kills in the zone, I don't see why we couldn't add small monetary rewards for it, given the target is a qualified 'zone member' (i.e is active with a gun and in a group / faction)

Odd to see Rebels worrying about factions... are you saying Poseidon can shoot ?
I think its more of a concern that due to the low amount of active rebels they will quickly be overwhelmed by factions rolling in with 2 ifrits and 10 ppl making it a faction v faction. Easy enough for each faction to add some restrictions tho 

Big up @Ciaran for the dev work, this is what we need.

Would NLR be removed inside the zones though? To stop gang bases being too OP prevent people re spawning within 1.5km of their death point.

Also make the entire area a redzone could be interesting.

Might be worth adding outposts close to OG where rebels can gear up allowing for more combat and faster regear. Maybe a Poseidon outpost somewhere by laundry or something and police somewhere by lighthouse?  Name it like Lobos HQ Ar HQ etc and maybe bring back dodgy daves to the dmt by OG. Nothing worse than having to drive to redzones from pos base to get ripped out your hatchy. NLR would probs have to be removed aswell otherwise the zones are just gon be dead after fights.

To stop gang bases being too OP prevent people re spawning within 1.5km of their death point.
This is purely here with knowledge of the location of the 2 GB bases. I agree with spawning within 1km of our death point, which is inline with the current NLR rules, however the extension to 1.5 is purely to nurf our bases, and infact make them almost unusable due to the main fighting occuring at OG(realistically). These bases, whilst powerful, are not limited to just GB, and any rebel gang is able to invest in numerous bases within the area. There is another Gang Shed within the Redzone, numerous Gang Sheds less than 1km away from the Laundry Red zone, as well as the Zaros towers and the 2 marked towers in Poseidon lands which are still relatively close via heli.  I think as long as you spawn over 1km away from the location of death is okay, especially as these gang base upgrades are limited with what you can buy. You are unable to buy 6.5 Supressors there, as it is only rebel, and although you can buy the MK18, you cannot buy Mk1, Type 115, 100 round MX mags as well as numeous other well liked weapons. We lose some of the better weaponry in exchange for the ease. This is an equal feature for all rebels, and only puts the factions at a disadvtange. However the factions would also have reduced NLR, as well as more numbers and cheaper gear to regear. Overall, there is no need to go out of the way here to screw over GB in specific. It would cost us around 70 Mill (I estimate, probably more), to relocate one of those bases and upgrade it to the point of those buildings (2 almost fully upgraded properties)

Maybe a Poseidon outpost somewhere by laundry
Honestly these places suggested are extremely close to the redzones when you consider what Rebels have to contend with. Our flight in a regular heli is around 5-7 minutes to get from AW down to OG without the use of a blackfish. To take jets off from advanced you need to know exactly what you are doing, and how capable the jet you are using is. Yes, some of us can use our fishes etc. however that is only the specific ones who are rich enough to have them and competent enough to fly them. I would recommend that a Lobos HQ would have to be at least up near Diamond Shop, so you still have a distance to drive, as well as an AR Hq should be across near Cider or somewhere far-ish away too. Else the factions would find it much easier to dominate. Lets not forget that Poseidon also have an FOB, and Air Trained are able to decamp MH9's 

These spots might work? Also a new spawn at the airfield for people with Advanced however only with a vehicle garage and air garage, a new viper spawn at the DMT close to OG. As that spawn is op as fk all tho its a 50m license maybe a cooldown of like an hr would work. Would help ppl gear quicker and go to caps. Idk placement dont matter but just the idea of each combat unit getting a hq close to caps and civs getting one aswell. Devs can figure out the exact whereabouts. All those spots have compound where signs for the different menus need to be added


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These spots might work? Also a new spawn at the airfield for people with Advanced however only with a vehicle garage and air garage, a new viper spawn at the DMT close to OG. As that spawn is op as fk all tho its a 50m license maybe a cooldown of like an hr would work. Would help ppl gear quicker and go to caps. Idk placement dont matter but just the idea of each combat unit getting a hq close to caps and civs getting one aswell. Devs can figure out the exact whereabouts. All those spots have compound where signs for the different menus need to be added

That’s actually really good with those locations. I would make the viper cool down 20 mins or 30 mins rather than an hour, but apart from that it would work well. Would need something to be worked out with the GB leaders and devs, however for something like this I’m sure something could be worked out 

Thanks everyone for your input - continue to contribute by all means and I'll still check up on it, yet I'm going to begin implementing the results of this poll now.

Nice. Now i wanna see if these new upcomming changes will crush the numbers and make GTARP go back to nr2!

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@Malfang I doubt it, the GTA RP server has people on it that never have touched Arma 3

This ship has 2 masts... time to raise the sails 

These spots might work? Also a new spawn at the airfield for people with Advanced however only with a vehicle garage and air garage, a new viper spawn at the DMT close to OG. As that spawn is op as fk all tho its a 50m license maybe a cooldown of like an hr would work. Would help ppl gear quicker and go to caps. Idk placement dont matter but just the idea of each combat unit getting a hq close to caps and civs getting one aswell. Devs can figure out the exact whereabouts. All those spots have compound where signs for the different menus need to be added

I'd move the Armed Response HQ to Zaros to balance Poseidon/Police

EDIT: After reading the post (my bad), it should be more fair to small groups if it was contested even if one player of one group is in the zone. Would benefit both players playing alone and small gangs.

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I believe it would be more optimal if you could cap a zone without interacting with a flag and therefore being restrained due to animation. I'd suggest making it capture-able by just standing in the capture zone (on the capture point itself, small area and obviously with a firearm, possibly primary).This would also give fair chance to small gangs or even lone wolves to fight others equally.
i think you need to re read what ciaran posted

I know it's already been kind of brought up but I think in regards to zones (and only zones) NLR should be changed, I don't think removing it completely is the right idea but maybe reducing to 5/10 mins or somewhere in between to stop zergs and just constant fighting.  However it is so long rn that no matter how fun the caps are, you go once die and now have to wait a long time even after gearing meaning for a lot of people it'll just be one life and they're out.
