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Can never take away Kiff


The Ranch
Ayooo your favourite RPUK fragger and shagger John K is here to say a goodbye, Yes I know hold back the tears its all good ill be back and even if I'm not they can take me away but ill always be there. Its all good though I get why I'm gone cause and I quote " You took my Egirl away from me " so basically I am going to make the server fair for those who have suffered from lack of coolness " Some of you may die but its a sacrifice I am willing to make ". I'm currently running on a red bull and 1/2 a subway so I am going to make this the most John Kiff goodbye I can. after almost 2 years and a few hours play time ( to embarrassed to reveal ) I have basically done everything I could do on the server so its not like my story had much to continue on with anyway.

John Kiff my first character 

Everyone's favourite of the 4, The Biggest Simp in the city and the one who fucked over the Aztecas yup thats me. I Have spoken before of the topic of Kiff so I wont get into it but this isnt the end of Kiff just cause I am gone he will always be the heart of the server and they will talk about him in history classes all over Los Santos.

Lewis Banks

The rich bitch of the server and had such a bad marriage it turned him gay, Lewis Banks was always the centre of attention and could not stand a normal meeting so when he could he would always spark things up and try to be as dumb as he could, Oh yea and Archie LOL I still didnt pay that 500k I owe you so GG looks like Banks wins again xx .


Chubs was only a short term character but he was a Fat and Funny character who gave 0 fucks and tried to piss off as many people who wanted to act up and as his idle 2Pac once said " Act the fuck up, get smacked the fuck up" .

Jon Labile

My last character aka John Kiff 2.0, Jon Labile is the better son of the labile family but also the weakest who would always be upset about something and would always want to fill his hard life with a women who would love him but this wasn't the case he always would fail or be too nervous to try and couldn't spend time working on himself due to the constant war against the vagos who btw got smoked like absolutely smoked like 4 vs 10 ranch push and still couldn't frag us just get good bro hit yo shots. BUT OF COURSE RP IS THE KEY TO THIS SERVER SO NO SHOOTY SHOOTY MY RP Happy now? I inspired others to RP u are welcome

CBA To write a long paragraph on how sad it is to go cause tbh imma hop on Val in a second to to work on my Rank so here is a list of names of people I want to thank....

@FatherAugustus- One of the best people on the server and one who creates the best of the best scenarios so if you ever meet this man be grateful cause he was a friend of Kiff    

@MatthewLabile - One of my best friends on the server, he was always the wing man and I dont care what anyone says what happened in the cinema stays there 

@HitAndStand- I Am sorry chang I abused you too much I love you really and you are one of the funniest people I know 

@Frank - Still don't like you 

@Niamh- The real reason I'm gonna miss RPUK by far one of the best people I have ever met on any character I cant believe you chose Frank but ill take 2nd best you was always such fun and... OMG IM TEARING UP I will miss you SO MUCH UwU 

@Amelia Carter - You was a great person to always have about and cant thank you enough for helping big old Jon Labile

@Bravo - Was also a great person to have about and was always the shoulder to cry on when Jon Labile got his heart broken SHE KNOWS WHO SHE IS !!! 

( NGL I Don't know anyone's Forums account xD )

@Axel - You are American 👍 Good job boss !

@JackMckenzie - Always some how knew my characters and always had a class time with ya still cant believe you gave her 11 million SMH Yea I said it now they all know !!! 

@Hayley - Was a great friend of Kiff and Labile and was always a laugh when u was about

@Raj Patel- Just like Bravo you always had Labiles back and was always would make fun of him to help tough him up which I found so funny

@Lunar- The best gay vegan I have ever known and always loved when you was about as it was always a good crack and I would always be in tears with your stupid shit you did

@Anthony Bryan- Was Jon Labiles wing man and always struggled like Labile did but was more successful and was always down to help me which I appreciate 

@Kai - Was so funny and would always live rent free in the Vago's head even to this day

@BarryBenson10- Always a Major laugh with you and was always down to do dumb shit that would always brighten up peoples days

@Owen - Was always a mad man who was down to do anything, He inspired Jon Labile to be more confident In his actions and not be scared of No one 

@Luke Link- Yet again in the top 10 of the most funniest people I know and yea I sold my Bentley and what do something

@Billy - Was great to hang out with you and was always down to help anyone when he could

@Caramel - I Dont even need to say much he is very self explained in a good way and was always funny yo hang out with 

@Connormcdx- Where do I begin, He is such a character and wouldn't never hate a second he was about always so fucking dumb and fun when we hanged 

@Fin - Basically a Kiff super fan 😜 Nah I Joke Fin is one of the most soundest guys you could ever meet and would always respect you and is such a loyal guy

@Ginge101- Could always hold his own and was down when it came to talking shit xD such a funny guy always had me in tears 

@Omar Farrell- Another great guy I could never flaw always down to be their for anyone really couldn't hate him if you tried

@Stevie - Another great guy I could never hate always about for anyone and again was such a laugh 

@hol_ll- One of the sweeties people I know who would always back you up if you ever needed it and would not hate a second we spent together even if it was hiding away from the lost  YEA IT WAS MEAN COULDNT FIND US FOR LIKE 3 DAYS GET GOOD !!!! xD 

@KennethZoid- Love You ❤️ all I Have to say really it speaks for itself

@Smurfy - Fuck You

@FinTin- Loved hanging with you on Banks couldn't hate on this Russian

@PsianaRama- Kenneth is a better kisser

@TinyBigJacko- Always respected by characters and I really appreciate that gave me time and respect which I will always be thankful for   

@Archie- You did so much for me and couldn't thank you enough just cant wait till their is a sign at Legion square that says " Kiff + Lydia will never be forgotten "

@JaffaBenitez- Guess ill be seeing you soon xD

@SarahLewLew- Forgot about me yet? If not then Hey How are you? Long time no see 


Who else Oh yea

@Shay - Was like a Mum to big Kiff and will love to see how your character continues in RP

If I haven't added you just know I haven't forgotten about you but i have either mentioned you before or that i am really tired and am about about to go sleep.

I really am down to be their for anyone if they need me so Kiff#4788 Dont be a stranger DM me ill always be a helping hand when i can 


Also @PaintDo some Dev Work already 

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Kiff told me he's 14. See you in 4 years.

On a real, your witty anecdotes and humour are unmatched. I honestly believe you can RP circles around most to the point I can't tell if you're in character or not. Forgiven for the Bentley but dead in every other game I play with you.

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My last character aka John Kiff 2.0, Jon Labile is the better son of the labile family
 debatable but in my opinion the biggest lie I've ever heard

@MatthewLabile - One of my best friends on the server, he was always the wing man and I dont care what anyone says what happened in the cinema stays there 
Best friend only on the server? I see how it is 😞. We don't talk about the cinema @JohnKiff


One of the people I genuinely had so much fun with in the server, so be it my first day on father and kiff hit me a punch or the last time you were on Jon Labile when we were going around having a blast. One of the best rpers on the server. #FreeKiff get him a statue in Legion Square 

@Shay - Was like a Mum to big Kiff and will love to see how your character continues in RP
I will truly miss you Kiffy, not sure how I will feel without my "Tweedle Bestie", the "Gentleman" Lewis Banks and another Labile hitting on me. ♥ 
You always been a joy and a nuisance to be around but either way you always made me laugh and the RP you provide was genuinely enjoyable and a welcomed change to the regular toxic guys you meet on here. 

If you ever need me to be your E-Mom, you know where you find me. Take care of yourself and don't become a stranger! 

Im going to miss you no doubt about that, wont ever forget Lewis Banks, he was one of your best characters IMO and I am actualy sad I wont be able to roleplay with that character again, for a while atleast. 😞 

@hol_ll- One of the sweeties people I know who would always back you up if you ever needed it and would not hate a second we spent together even if it was hiding away from the lost  YEA IT WAS MEAN COULDNT FIND US FOR LIKE 3 DAYS GET GOOD !!!! xD 
Your gonna make me cry bitch

I'm going to miss you so much ;-;

