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Can i be unbanned (Denied)

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I was banned for admin abuse which is fair enough. Im going t be honest i was in a real bad mood but even still, i shouldnt have lost my cool towards wilco he was just trying to help and do his job how he is means to.

In game name: Leefal Banter Lord

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Think the only person who will be able to look at this is the big man himself.

Hes looking now...

On the day in question i was dealing with compensation requests, I was tabbed out the game and all i heard was "Wilco Wilco"... so i tabbed back in but i do not believe my mic was working so i typed how do you know my name...

All I got was a angry idiot, when i told you to open a compensation request on the forums the response was ohhh fuck off... then you replied i am going to get kicked now.

Sorry but if you cannot do what everyone else can and open a request and wait you have no place here.

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