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Bringing Archie Back! B.A.B

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Well-known member
Brief Summary:
A short summary is to bring back The One & Only Archie! 😲 .... and his sidekick Paint
Detailed Suggestion:
Archie had a lot of interest in the crim side of things and a general interest in benefiting the server as a whole, not just as a role-player, or a community leader but also as a dev and that benefited everyone as a whole.

I believe Archie is the closest thing this community has had to a Community Leader/Community Manager

As @Recon9 said RPUK will not be the same without you guys and I think everyone here is going to miss you guys and your dedication tremendously.

I personally feel like this is true, Archie done the job of more than just a dev IMO, he was like management/dev/community leader all wrapped into one and an all-round great person for the community

its clear to me that he still shows an interest in doing fiveM related development work, and it would be great to have him back in the community doing what he does best - https://forum.cfx.re/t/standalone-turret-system-anti-vehicle/5243276

Archie genuinely cared for the community. He interacted with players regularly, valued their input, and made changes that reflected their needs and desires. His ability to balance development with community management made him an indispensable part of RPUK

I wanna make it clear, I am not making a post to cause drama or to get people to shit on others. I just want to see if there is anything I or anyone can do to potentially bring them back (of course if they wanted to)

The Pros:

If i was to write them, i would be up all night
The Cons:
Don't think cons should even be in the same suggestion as to what i am suggesting 💯🔥
Does this suggestion change balance on the server ?
I agree, if he wants to come back as well that is. He did a lot, as well as the others, to add new things to the server as well as listen to people's suggestions, concerns and general input and helped make the server what it is today. Even when I had small suggestions for quality of life changes, I asked @KennethZoid if it was worth bringing up because obviously a lot of the devs were already working on a bunch of more important things and he told me to approach Archie directly and that he's super approachable and took time out of his day to listen and make the changes.

We all know how groups becomes a lot of the time but I felt like Archie's involvement in delivering the messages between staff and players was always done well and provided some insight with decisions without giving anything away in terms of what was being planned and we all greatly appreciated that. Even now it is apparent that he still cares a lot about the server and the players that he has formed long term friendships with along the way.

But even aside from that, in character he brought a lot, especially with his Old Man character. While a lot of people will know the ins and outs of what exactly they all get up to ;), even the casual player, newcomer and legal player was usually met with a lot of good roleplay and generously awarded for their time and energy!

Reading the discord the other day and seeing you mention how it felt like the Firm had eyes everywhere and knew about everything and even in my little interactions I had felt the same that somehow they knew everything and it felt great, the mystery and awe that was created that despite keeping a low profile there were still people who knew about you. }

Would be great to see both Archie and Paint back, should they want to of course 🎉
+1 (not gonna be cringe like the two above me and put +1,000,000,000 💀JK)

Jokes aside
You don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone

We all need a break from time to time and with GTA 6 around the corner I think it’s a good time to just come back for the final stretch and enjoy the community for what it’s worth

I’ll be honest I’ll even address the elephant in the room and I ain’t talking about father, we need the old man back especially after the cutlass sneak diss on their track 😂 “whatever happened to that old man”🥶
Then imagine you come back like the undertaker and build that rivalry then the lost step in and then teccas step in and it’s a massive clusterfuck all out war and I’ll be on my NHS collecting £500 per body type shit 😉

There’s a lot of roleplay potential being missed out here and I’ll even help stir or instigate shit until we see Firm vs Lost

Anyways I’m done yapping hopefully yous come back and it’s true you were the community manager that wasn’t afraid of giving opinions so I can only respect it
Archie provided a pivotal role not only as his old man character and development but behind the scenes aswell. Although i doubt he’ll come back under the exact same conditions as he was under before, if the management team are willing to open a discussion with him (and probably compromise a fair bit) i believe it could only do good for the community.

This suggestion and the comments so far are themself proof that we are desperate for people like Archie who not only have the creativity but also the know how to make it real. Im sure the current devs would much prefer to explore their own projects rather than constantly being asked “when are we getting X from crim update?”.

I sincerely hope that someone with the authority to do so reaches out to Archie, to see if coming back is even something he’d consider.
Huge +1 on this if I'm honest

Without going into a whole rant about this, for my short time knowing Archie (compared to others) I have seen the vast amount of stuff he has done for the server while also being a pivotal person amongst gang/group leads as both the Old Man and on Discord. I would love to see him back and it's clear his passion is still there for dev work alongside the server and he always wanted the best for everyone with what he made/done.
Dev work aside the Old Man character is a huge part of the server and a well-respected person and if I'm honest is a huge part of every aspect of the server available to him and The Firm, whenever the Old Man arrives to a conversation everyone acted differently and actually listened instead of the whole "Shoot First & Ask Questions Later" and always resulted in the best outcome for all parties involved, the RP involved around OM is unmatched in my opinion and I honestly miss it.

I think this suggestion and the comments following speak for themselves on how much people want Archie back not only just for his passion for the server and his creativity but his personality and being the go-to person for ideas and discussions.
While I'm saying this, I can't fault the current devs for their work so far and everything so far has been great too, but I think the server as a whole would benefit from having big Archie back.

I do hope that this suggestion gets to where it needs to go as people can see that he is wanted.

Bring Back A&P Sauce!!
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