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Brad RDM report, no trying to interact with me .... at all ...

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Active member
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): Brad
Time & Date this happened: 7pm   17-05-2015
Which Server did this happen on: 1
Description of what happened: me an my group of friends were lying outside of weed processing watching as some people from ti and brad try to kill some loan traders, selling there loads of weed when i was shot without any form of role play being made...  
What Rule Was Broken ?: [SIZE=medium]3B)[/SIZE][SIZE=medium] RDM[/SIZE]
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?:yes, here is a copy of the ts chat log
<19:04:28> "Brad": What do you want?
<19:05:14> "Sam": what was that back there man
<19:05:21> "Sam": just opened up on me
<19:05:33> "Sam": i had nothing to do with the 2 guys with pistols in the drug dealer
<19:05:33> "Brad": Were you the person who was lying down in a bush aiming at my friend?
<19:05:37> "Sam": no
<19:05:42> "Sam": i was aiming at no one
<19:05:43> "Brad": I only killed 1 person
<19:05:47> "Sam": i was watching you kill the dealiers
<19:05:53> "Brad": He was lying in a bush aiming at my friend
<19:05:56> "Sam": the guy with the pistol ran round the back
<19:05:58> "Brad": in an actuve firefight
<19:06:04> "Sam": then you shot the pistol guy
<19:06:07> "Sam": and then you shot me
<19:06:15> "Sam": well maybe someone else shot the pistol guy
<19:06:19> "Brad": Yup
<19:06:20> "Sam": i had no part of it
<19:06:38> "Brad": How could I know that? You're sat in a bush aiming at my team mates
<19:06:52> "Sam": the gun fight was located around the barn and you knew that the dealers only had pistols , meanwhile 100 meters away i get shot in the back for no reason
<19:07:01> "Sam": i was not aiming at anyone man
<19:07:15> "Brad": I didn't because there was someone with a rifle shooting at us too
<19:07:18> "Sam": there was no one in front of me to aiim at
<19:07:26> "Sam": no there was not , i was there
<19:07:48> "Brad": You were looking at the corner of the warehouse where he was after he had just taken fire
<19:08:02> "Sam": there was a guy with a ruk 9mm or somthing that went round the back, who i watched and didnt engage and then one of youer guys shot him
<19:08:05> "Brad": When you look somewhere in arma with a gun out you tend to be also aiming there
<19:08:05> "Sam": rp
<19:08:15> "Sam": no rp at all
<19:08:15> "Brad": He started shooting first
<19:08:24> "Brad": So he tried to RDM us
<19:08:27> "Sam": if we wanted to shoot with you we would have had to start speaking
<19:08:29> "Sam": but we didnt
<19:08:53> "Sam": he iddnt RDM you , you started telling him to give you all his stuff and he decided to attack you
<19:08:57> "Sam": so that isnt even an rdm
<19:09:42> "Brad": We said put your hands up and he started stalling
<19:09:47> "Brad": Then he pulled a pistol
<19:10:09> "Sam": yeah so thats not an rdm
<19:10:13> "Sam": you tried robbing him
<19:10:22> "Sam": its all recoreded and i can hear you robbing the guy
<19:10:30> "Brad": Yea another one comes around the corner with a pistol and shoots at him
<19:10:32> "Sam": so i want some comp or i am sending it to admins
<19:10:36> "Sam": your choice
<19:10:48> "Sam": also a rule for you "u cant rp from a sniper scope"
<19:10:50> "Brad": Send it to the admins, you have not listened to me at all.
<19:10:51> Chat partner has closed the conversation
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence, If your report is about RDM then it must be a video leading upto the RDM and after) 

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@MaximumTM Do not post when you are not involved in the report. You removed the content or made a blank post on purpose, so there is no way for me to see if you are involved or not. I will asume you are not. Warning point issued in compliance with our rules If you are the player reported, send me a private message and I will undo this.

Khandamir, ALUK forum moderator

I would just like to add evidence as I was there.

I killed a guy who had a rifle in the house very close to the processor (close combat- he had a Katiba) so I know for a fact there were assault rifles in the gunfight.

I also got shot at by multiple people around the processor from hills, so Brad couldn't have known who was not in the fight and who was.

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this is a massive lie. the only person that had been killed at this point was a guy with a pistol just outside the weed processor, he had a pistol and had tried to shoot a member of the ti gang, who had then shot him back, these were the only 2 guns that had been fired at this point in time (the ti guy who killed the weed trader with a pistol and the trader with the pistol himself).

I assume that brad was with the TI guys because he was in their team speak channel with them which means that he would have known that the only rifle that had been fired was that of one of his friends and the only other gun that had fired was a trader, who they had tried to hold up and rob.

This is how it is from my perspective:

There was an active gunfight in which people in my teamspeak were a part of. BennyBait was around the side of the barn you are looking at in the video, he's shouting "I'm taking shots" so I look around and there's you in a bush 20m away aiming a gun in his direction. How on earth am I meant to know you aren't any part of it. I tried to explain that in TS but you were having none of it and if you had properly explained it to me and had shown me evidence of it I would've happily compensated you for you losses. But however you weren't happy to hear at all my point of view and instead came across as rude and not attempting to hear me out at all.

Your friend that was taking shots had stopped taking shots when he killed the player on the corner of the barn, which might I add happened before the clip shown above even starts. 

You start shooting at me a full 20 seconds after the start of this video, when the player that was shooting at you had been killed. 

Your friend knows he is no longer being shot at, because someone in the group of people that you were playing with shot him. 

You can see in the video above how it looks to me like a complete and utter rdm from my perspective, which is why i was amendment for you to admit it in team speak and your argument is flawed about being in the middle of a fire fight, because as i have said previously . you held up the 2 traders, one of whom tried to run and shoot , but was then killed. THAT WAS THE FIREFIGHT

please do not make it sound like there were 20 LMG's on each side firing at each other, there simply were not.

We had not interacted with anyone there, and were just spread around watching when all of a sudden, I get shot in the back.

We sorted it out on TS, basically it was a wrong place wrong time misunderstanding. Looking at Sams evidence I can see that he was not a part of the group that was fighting us and have compensated him.

Locking as it's resolved (Pending any admin intervention). Benny Bait wins a warning point and 3 days forum ban for posting - despite being warned not too directly above.

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