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Boxing event


Active member
Hello developers.
Me and my mates have had a idea to host a boxing event. What I ask from the developers is if you could turn the laser lights off and turn them into spotlights that shine down towards the middle of the boxing area, A few benches around the fences for people to sit down and a few VIP seats down in the boxing area for VIP ticket owners to get a closer look on the fight. The area we have chosen to host this event in is in ballas turf in the underground rave. We have went around the city and asked people if they would like to see this type of event and maybe even partake in it and people seemed to love the idea. We do hope this will go through as this wont be a one time thing and would like to continue this every second week depending on our schedules. We have also made a prototype poster which we are still making changes to at this very moment.
We have already contacted the nhs and gruppe 6 to take place and assist on our needs.

Our current ideas consist of:
Call outs and random card fights.
These events will have rewards for the winners of the events.
We would also like a possible storage container where we could store food and beverages and sell them at the stand that is already in the place.
To add a ring down in the caged area but only the ring barriers and a change of colour to the ground inside of the boxing ring.

What we need from the developers:
Laser lights to be swapped to spotlights that shine in the boxing ring. (NOT TO BE TOO BRIGHT)
Benches to be added around the fence barrier above the ring.
Vip seats down in the caged off area.
Storage container for food and beverages. (mini fridge)
A judge table in the caged off area with 2 seats and a microphone.
Boxing ring barrier and inside the barrier the ground colour to be changed.
Interrogation room to be split into two for a break room.

If needed I can provide screenshots of the areas we would like to be changed.

Thank you for taking your time reading this and we would appreciate this highly if these changes could be made.
+1 great idea - However there are places you can do this without dev work to begin with :)
+1 great idea - However there are places you can do this without dev work to begin with :)
I do know this but, as a permanent area I feel as this area would be perfect to host a boxing area as it gives off a "underground fight club" vibe. As other places wouldn't work with our current ideas we are looking for and we think this would be a great addition to the city which would definitely add more fun towards others.
I do know this but, as a permanent area I feel as this area would be perfect to host a boxing area as it gives off a "underground fight club" vibe. As other places wouldn't work with our current ideas we are looking for and we think this would be a great addition to the city which would definitely add more fun towards others.
Yeah id really love to see this implemented but as with other businesses in my experience, you'll have to prove longevity before the devs commit to your idea. I think this is to stop them working on things that get used once and abandoned kind of thing
Would be cool to see a permanent underground fight club/boxing thing!
We do get that the developers would probably not be too happy if we only used it once, but we have been planning this for 2 weeks and we would love for this to be added to the city as we are an up and coming family and we would like to continue using this area as we believe we would use this quite often as we have invested alot of time into thinking and looking for an area to host this.
Is the place basegame or a mlo?
I'm assuming when you say "basegame or a mlo" you mean if the place is already in the city or a place I want to add, if so the place is already in the city there's just a few changes I would like to add to it to make it an actual boxing arena. I feel as this place would be fine to use as it is a underground rave and I personally haven't seen or heard anyone using the place for a party or anything else
I'm assuming when you say "basegame or a mlo" you mean if the place is already in the city or a place I want to add, if so the place is already in the city there's just a few changes I would like to add to it to make it an actual boxing arena. I feel as this place would be fine to use as it is a underground rave and I personally haven't seen or heard anyone using the place for a party or anything else
its cool i checked i mean was it part of the original game or a custom place added on, its a MLO from what i can see so it also depends if they could even edit the thing like some MLO creators lock their content so you cant change them
its cool i checked i mean was it part of the original game or a custom place added on, its a MLO from what i can see so it also depends if they could even edit the thing like some MLO creators lock their content so you cant change them
I have spoken to the ballas if it is a MLO creators area and from their knowledge it isn't locked. Which was amazing news to me, but I'm still yet to hear from the developers so hopes aren't too high.