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Bonzi Garter, Rachel Johnson, John Hendrickson


Today at the evidence convoy, I ended up getting shot and while most of the police officers just ignored John Hendrickson ended up providing some top notch RP trying to help and stabalise me along with the medic Rachel on scene. It ended up that I needed surgery which ended up in about an hour long rp scenario where I had to undergo 2 surgeries with both Bonzi & then Rachel joining in for the second one when in pillbox.

Top notch rp from all involved and probably some of the best rp ive ever had on the server so i definitely felt the need to post this recommend a roleplayer 🙂

Props to everyone involved


I enjoy being a medic but there is much more medical knowledge that i need to learn. Thank you soo much to Bonzi aswell we worked well as a team of such a large number of casulties. Great rp on oboth sides it gr8 when people actually rp there injuries well it makes the rp more interesting 🙂

Thank you for the recommendation, was a busy but very fun scenario! Really enjoy the longer bits of medical roleplay, so thanks for letting us do that and I'm happy you enjoyed it too 🙂

Here's hoping Rachel can overcome her fear of spiders soon! 🤣

Thank you for the recommendation, it's nice to receive some good feedback, was a very fun and crazy night. Really enjoy the whole scenario and I'm glad that you enjoyed it as well.

I hope your friend who got shot 50 thousand time received a new body.

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Can confirm he received a new body, he was flexing it to me outside the hospital when I met them again like 2 hours after the convoy haha
