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Bonnie (Action: Ban Issued 11/11/2014)

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Destroyer of Shit Tech Advice
South East UK
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name):Bonnie
Time & Date this happened:30/10/2014 15:50
Description of what happened: Stole a medical SUV outside the hospital, proceeded to run over Dr bananna with it repeatedly
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: Via direct chat by Dr Bannana
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence)
(still processing)

Bonnie was recently invited to PLF in order to play with Vlad, he requested to join PLF and I advised him to contact me on the forums (to which he never did) and was subsequently removed from the gang last night. Just to re-iterate, Bonnie is not a member of PLF and after this, will never be one.

bonnie is a serious troll, keeps breaking NLR and being racist towards police and other civs. if needed I will upload video.

bonnie is a serious troll, keeps breaking NLR and being racist towards police and other civs. if needed I will upload video.
Shame, I've seen him role play and he has a serious potential to be fantastic.
Yeah. His RP really sucks. Met him last night and he was kinda a dick.

That just makes it worse, knowing that he can but seeing him act like this. Indeed, shame.
completely agree. Potential, but wasted. No sympathy though, Vlad tried helping him, got him in the gang just for hexagons, tried robbing some stations and role playing the situation, but just decided to go back to RDMing.
Bonnie is a troll, a few days ago I caught up with him and his friend while bounty hunting and bonnie was playing music down vehicle chat and calling me a "dickhead" constantly. He was also trying to run me over the day after because he remembered my name and would follow me around trying to VDM me

This guy again just sat in vehicle chat playing music down his mic when being arrested.

we need to remove this guy

Bonnie was trolling Kavala Police HQ yesterday by repeatedly jumping off the roof or drowning himself after being revived by medic, until the poor medic had enough and just left him there.

Trolling at Athira NHS Today. Breaking RP, being a dick and generally trolling.

He was trolling me and Johnjoe last night i ticket him and his friend as a warning and still he would not stop trolling us

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