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Body Armour Changes


Elite Donator
Paleto Bay
Brief Summary:
I am suggesting that body armour on the server is changed

Detailed Suggestion:
What I am suggesting is that body armour is only removed or damaged when a player is hit by gunshots.

I believe that armour should not affect the player when they fall over, fall off bikes or are in a vehicle crash.

In my personal opinion, I think it makes sense that body armours health only decreases when impacted by bullets.
I'm sure I speak for all players who wear body armour here when I say it is extremely annoying to have to put a new body armour on after you tackle someone or get tackled (or any of the other examples I provided above) as it means you go through the body armour you are carrying fairly quickly. Although this to me (and many others) this isn't really a problem, I also think overall as I've previously mentioned, I think it just makes sense that body armour is only affected/damaged by impacts of bullets and possibly knives, bottles ect.

With this change, I think the price of body armour may possibly increase as I think people will buy less body armour due to them not having to use as much. People may also carry less body armour, meaning they have more space in their pockets for other items.

(EDIT - Further addition to suggestion)
Also with this change, like helmet armour, body armour would be removed from the player upon the player going down (basically, body armour would be the same as helmet armour in terms of only being damaged by bullets, with the possible addition of bladed melee weapons)

The Pros:
QOL change for body armour.

The Cons:
Time to code

Does this suggestion change balance on the server ? No.
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Makes sense to have it like this in my opinion as armour would not really deplete when you get tackled or punched, it would more hurt the other person than yourself, same with if you are passenger of a car and there is a crash that is a little laggy and it strips your armour id rather it just do damage and make your eyes blurry than take the armour levels down.
Another suggestion that could follow up this one would maybe be that wearing a helmet protects you a bit more (similar to the effect armour has now) than if you don't have one on. This also further opens up and avenue of RP with the police pulling over bikers for not wearing helmets etc.
This is already a thing natively in GTA, MP models with helmets on sustain less damage when coming off motorcycles 😏