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Bleed out Timer

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Well-known member
Brief Summary;
Add an option to fully bleed out after a 10/15 minute timer, but do not force it.

Detailed Suggestion:
When you are down, instead of having the timer go down and you bleed out completely. At the end of the 10/15 minutes give the option to bleed out or leave the player to stay laying down. I've seen RP situations, especially today, fall apart as the injured person bled out during being treated by medics.

The Pros:
- Allows RP situations to not be interrupted and in some situations completely stopped. Especially when the NHS spend a lot of time driving out to the injured that are further out of the city.
- Allows increased depth and length of RP situations as they do not need to worry about rushing the RP to get the player revived.
- Still allows people to Bleed out if they so wish.

The Cons:
- Personally I don't see any negatives. But if anyone has any feedback I'd love to discuss!

Does this suggestion change balance on the server ?

Though I see the benefits of this situation, there is also an issue. Without having a timer it could be used to save people from losing their items. For example:
A gang hunts down a snitch etc, they execute him and guard the body for 20 minutes in case their target was able to send off a location. Without a timer, the gang is not going to wait there forever, and the person could just wait out the guards and be taken to hospital. In my opinion, removing the timer removes the fear of death/losing items. But then again I am aware that people can relog to refresh their timers, though it is stupid I've heard/seen people using it so they don't lose items.

My solution to this issue would be some form of extension to the timer that is only actioned if an NHS worker 'mark' the fact they are responding and as a result the timer may be paused/extended depending on distance/extent of injuries?

Though I see the benefits of this situation, there is also an issue. Without having a timer it could be used to save people from losing their items. For example:
A gang hunts down a snitch etc, they execute him and guard the body for 20 minutes in case their target was able to send off a location. Without a timer, the gang is not going to wait there forever, and the person could just wait out the guards and be taken to hospital. In my opinion, removing the timer removes the fear of death/losing items. But then again I am aware that people can relog to refresh their timers, though it is stupid I've heard/seen people using it so they don't lose items.

My solution to this issue would be some form of extension to the timer that is only actioned if an NHS worker 'mark' the fact they are responding and as a result the timer may be paused/extended depending on distance/extent of injuries?
So for your first example; that would be classed as power gaming right. It's the player abusing a feature which wouldn't make any sense in that kind of RP situation and they would then still have the option to bleed out. Which in that case, I'd expect anyone too or it just ruins the RP which is on the player. I don't think anyone should HAVE to fear losing items if the RP is good enough. It should still be about adding more RP situations for players with the NHS and not making them feel they're against the clock.

I do see how the solution could work, it's just how those dependencies would be considered per situation and how quickly the NHS can find that out, RP it and then action it.

I hope this makes sense! and thank you for the feedback 🙂


So for your first example; that would be classed as power gaming right. It's the player abusing a feature which wouldn't make any sense in that kind of RP situation and they would then still have the option to bleed out. Which in that case, I'd expect anyone too or it just ruins the RP which is on the player. I don't think anyone should HAVE to fear losing items if the RP is good enough. It should still be about adding more RP situations for players with the NHS and not making them feel they're against the clock.

I do see how the solution could work, it's just how those dependencies would be considered per situation and how quickly the NHS can find that out, RP it and then action it.

I hope this makes sense! and thank you for the feedback 🙂
I see your point now, I am just very weary of abuse of game mechanics because of what I have personally seen. I suppose it wouldn't be an issue as anyone found abusing it would be dealt with. Thanks for the feedback! 🙂

For me, a person only has so many pints of blood in the body and ultimately you have to bleed out sooner or later.  I believe the current set up is the best representation we can expect from the game.  The issue being is that not many people are wanting to be medics, therefore people aren't being saved within the times.

Maybe the answer is try to recruit more medics - better pay?

For me, a person only has so many pints of blood in the body and ultimately you have to bleed out sooner or later.  I believe the current set up is the best representation we can expect from the game.  The issue being is that not many people are wanting to be medics, therefore people aren't being saved within the times.

Maybe the answer is try to recruit more medics - better pay?
More medics would definitely help the issue. But what you have said is under the presumption someone is bleeding? What if it's a broken bone, spinal injury, someone being knocked unconscious. This is my point that RP is so limited with the current setup, weather it's why you're down or what's happening when you're down. 

or give us something like arma had let us reset their timer so they don't bleed out on us reset their 20 mins

More medics would definitely help the issue. But what you have said is under the presumption someone is bleeding? What if it's a broken bone, spinal injury, someone being knocked unconscious. This is my point that RP is so limited with the current setup, weather it's why you're down or what's happening when you're down. 
Agreed mate, but you can't cater for every eventuality IMO.  I broken bone could be internal or could penetrate the skin, it could also block the blood flow starving oxygen to the organs.  I don't think this is down to the City's config, rather than the GTA mechanics - I think it would be too difficult to work out every single possible injury from the different type of contact/incident.

Just my opinion pal.

More medics would definitely help the issue. But what you have said is under the presumption someone is bleeding? What if it's a broken bone, spinal injury, someone being knocked unconscious. This is my point that RP is so limited with the current setup, weather it's why you're down or what's happening when you're down. 
hate to tell you this Unconscious can lead to death if face down you can't breath if long enough brain thinks it's having issues and priorities oxygen to brain then anywhere else. spinal injury can lead to death your main core features use spine if that breaks they will break. Broken bone as mentioned depends on what's broken but anything left untreated that down you in gta could be fatal because it's not normal your brain will try to fix it sacrificing other vital things

hate to tell you this Unconscious can lead to death if face down you can't breath if long enough brain thinks it's having issues and priorities oxygen to brain then anywhere else. spinal injury can lead to death your main core features use spine if that breaks they will break. Broken bone as mentioned depends on what's broken but anything left untreated that down you in gta could be fatal because it's not normal your brain will try to fix it sacrificing other vital things
Just a little confused, the way you've put this. Death should surely be absolute last resort, if you fully die you should really be perma'd. A little confused how you would "Die" from any of those injury's and just run out of Pill box 10 minutes later? This post just seems skipping the whole point of the RP aspect of it. Just sounds like no fun at all.

Agreed mate, but you can't cater for every eventuality IMO.  I broken bone could be internal or could penetrate the skin, it could also block the blood flow starving oxygen to the organs.  I don't think this is down to the City's config, rather than the GTA mechanics - I think it would be too difficult to work out every single possible injury from the different type of contact/incident.

Just my opinion pal.
100% no worries but I appreciate the comment .

or give us something like arma had let us reset their timer so they don't bleed out on us reset their 20 mins
Didn't see this. Actually a good idea... The main thing I'm after is for the RP of someone being down to not be rushed bc of the possible short timer by the time medics manage to get there.

Just a little confused, the way you've put this. Death should surely be absolute last resort, if you fully die you should really be perma'd. A little confused how you would "Die" from any of those injury's and just run out of Pill box 10 minutes later? This post just seems skipping the whole point of the RP aspect of it. Just sounds like no fun at all.
NLR it's a game but people cans till die thus NLR rule enforces some sort of loss from death 

Rp aspects lie on the ground for 3 days if a medic arrives and your unconscious you are definitely dead. Also Rp aspect people act like nothing happened even when they have been shot in head not having to bleed out would be abused so badly when people already act like nothing happened when headshotted (luckily medics can see if headshotted fatally and enforce death happens) but if someone isn't fatally shot they will potentially sit their for 3 days just for a medic to revive them. 

Also like I said someone living for ages on floor pretending to be unconscious is going to die 4 minutes after being unconscious means brain damage and if you go 6 mins without cpr help unconscious you will die. 4 mins and 6 mins yeah unfair but 20 mins is perfect for rp aspect mixed with game. the 20 mins timer seems balanced it allows all injuries to be realistic for time down. as realisticly you could die in a few mins with a lot of injuries that people rp. However medics have equipment maybe instead of bloodbags like arma. give Medics "Tranexamic acid" this unlike a blood bag will give extra time as it slows blood flow so like adds onto their bleed out timer. 

anyway enoguht about how they couldn't live on floor 


doesn't make sense to live forever on floor however the new drugs for medic to prolong bleed out 

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