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Blazing Tattoos Uniform


Well-known member
Blazing Tattoo Studio
Brief Summary:

Uniform for Blazing Tattoo 

Detailed Suggestion:

As people that have met me in the city, know I dress like a "biker". I wear the cut. Ride on Harleys etc. And the amount of people that ask me if I've part of The Lost or TFA is insane. I respect both groups enough to never mention their names while in RP. But as the style fits my character and story arch in the city. I don't want to change the way I dress. So I'm putting forward my request for a uniform that fits in with my style and line of work. I'd like to thank for for taking the time to read this! And what ever you vote, please let me know the reasoning so I can go away reassess then try again! 



The Pros:

Easily identified uniform. 

The Cons:

Adding in a new texture/blacklisting. 

Does this suggestion change balance on the 


Never seen a tattoo artist wear a uniform in my life I won't lie to you or wear branding of the shop. 

- worked in two tattoo shops irl 

-1 unfortunately 

Never seen a tattoo artist wear a uniform in my life I won't lie to you or wear branding of the shop. 

- worked in two tattoo shops irl 

-1 unfortunately 
I appreciate the input mate! Sorry you couldn’t get on board with this idea! 

as a tattooist I’ve absolutely worked in studios that wear branded shop clothing. But I guess it depends on the location and type of studio

I appreciate the input mate! Sorry you couldn’t get on board with this idea! 

as a tattooist I’ve absolutely worked in studios that wear branded shop clothing. But I guess it depends on the location and type of studio
I respect that. Id rather comment on my downvotes so I appreciate you don't take it negatively 🙂 not a fan of downvotes and keeping quiet 

I respect that. Id rather comment on my downvotes so I appreciate you don't take it negatively 🙂 not a fan of downvotes and keeping quiet 
No I absolutely respect that you’ve took the time to comment your reasoning 💚

-1 From me :) 

BLAZING Tattoo t shirts or merch I could see a logic in, I've def seen artists wear shop clothing. But the vest is a no go in my eyes :) 

I think the way its been designed is quite nice though could give off the wrong impression given the style you are going for. Instead of a Kutte why not go for a shirt, that way it comes across less MC like and something more common in that industry (to my knowledge). Id be happy to sit with you and brain storm some ideas because I think you have something genuine here 🙂 Though for now it is a -1 from me

This is my personal opinion and NOT the opinion of staff.
