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Bit late but oh well

Hobo Winters

Well-known member
Knock on wood
I found out about this glorious island quite a while back and recently I have decided to come back and play around more ( used to be that annoying hobo )

I have also recently joined the police force again and hoping to gain higher ranks within the force

tbh doin it for the award

Welcome back winters! Nice to see you have joined he police again.


Do you remember who crashed that red suv. I do, YOU xD
Awwwww come on I did mark it on the map, let that be a lesson always check the map! tbh you never know max could come out of nowhere with a MH9 and the next thing you know ya dead cause of his bad piloting skills

Awwwww come on I did mark it on the map, let that be a lesson always check the map! tbh you never know max could come out of nowhere with a MH9 and the next thing you know ya dead cause of his bad piloting skills
Bitch what?
