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The Land Of Yorkshire
I've seen a lot of post recently and people complaining about bins.... so hear me out!!

I personally think bins should be removed!.. at first I did say bins are good etc but they have well and truly drained us all. I made around £5 million on the bins within the first day and yes this was sorted but still broke the economy with the amount of money that was made over that week or so!

Bins has changed the whole meta for making money and basically changing it to NO risk HIGH reward... and has stopped everyone from doing other jobs! yes we see the odd lorry driver blowing up at otto's or couple tow truck drivers and the baldies driving a taxi but people are not playing now due to getting anything they want from bins! no one sells drugs which is a big topic at the moment! yes the price should be upped!

I don't know what the devs have got planned currently but all I can say is thank you for all the work you guys do! I want to see the server popping again with people doing all the jobs and more crims about!!

Bins are stopping people from roleplaying on the server!! with tow trucking you have police putting in dispatches for cars etc! lorry drivers bringing fuel to player owned shops!! all the jobs we have in the city have Roleplay behind them and make you interact with other players!! I dont see how bins cause any roleplay except asking on tweedle if "anyone wants to do bins". working in AE/Benny's gets you talking to a lot of people. same with bars/dealerships/mining/smelting! all of these jobs get you talking to other players! the people behind all of these jobs are here to roleplay and not see how much they can earn an hour.... If you go by how much you make an hour you're on the wrong server!!

Bins need two or more people to start ? Yes but is that really roleplay? No … its boring and you going around the city listening to Taylor swift on Spotify!


so to anyone who does read this please say your honest opinion! what can be done to make the server better? I want to see some change with bins ideally removing it but mainly crims need something new or updated!

I will help however I can and I'm sure others will as well
+1 when bins first came out i flew out the city for a good week as the economy just went to shit before they nerfed bins a bit as i put in alot of time grafting for people to be millionaires doing a legal job without any hassle without putting money into it like you do mining and smelting and of course drugs, u have to invest to make your money bins you dont and half the time i see people doing bins they arnt attempting roleplay its just hop on make money asking on tweedle anyone doing bins instead of going there and speaking asking over tweedle is just poor if u ask me i think anyways.
Bins was very fun when it first came out, something new and fresh! Now it's overdone and its all you ever see, people probably sat in a discord call, going round for hours and hours doing hardly any actual RP and just getting as much money as they can. Taxi's are obsolete, drugs are just pointless, cant even seem to find anyone selling anymore. Food jobs, don't see anyone doing that anymore.

Something need's to chance
I think bins made a massive impact when it came out but i think its at a point which is fair now, You cant do it on your own but you can do taxi/mechanic on your own. Bins is a social job for a civ and there aren't many which are like this and it should be looked at from a social aspect rather than a money making aspect, I would rather go round as a team and earn less money but the benefit of it is its a bit of a laugh rather than taxi simulator.

Removing bins would only start a new rant about how there isn't enough jobs etc.
I think bins requires very little start up as there is basically no financial cost for starting up: boxes, containers, vans etc . Its easy money where little RP is involved. I personally haven't done bins in some time as it just has no fun RP element. Most of the time people are either afk farming the bins or are in discord calls not participating in any sort of RP. I say an illegal job should always pay more than something with little to no start up cost and no risk involved. A rework of bins or drugs is really needed imo.
I'd also suggest to those who want to see more crim RP, why not just go and help create it? If the pay-out isn't an issue and you value RP over money, then it's proven by the RP.
I’ve been on the fence about the bins system for a while, but after some reflection, I believe it’s undermined a lot of the roleplay centred around earning money. I don't think acquiring wealth should be an unbearable grind, but at the same time, the current bins setup feels excessive.

Initially, I was drawn in - like many others - enjoying my newly earned millions and the freedom to purchase whatever I wanted. But after taking a step back, it’s clear that the situation has gotten out of hand. Now, everyone, from gang members to even some police officers, are engaged in doing bins, which is completely unrealistic in any proper roleplaying scenario.

At first, the idea of doing bins with a group was engaging; it brought people together, created opportunities to meet new players, and added a fun layer to the experience. However, over time, it’s become more of a burden than a benefit. Everyone has formed their tight-knit groups, making it increasingly difficult to find a decent crew to run with.

I agree it’s time to scrap the bins system altogether. Revitalize the older jobs, give them a much-needed pay increase, and bring back the depth of roleplay that the current system has eroded.
I'd also suggest to those who want to see more crim RP, why not just go and help create it? If the pay-out isn't an issue and you value RP over money, then it's proven by the RP.
THIS, I know for a fact the only group I've seen actually get tired of bins and try to get others to do crime as a community were occult. So props to them for actually doing something about it rather than complaining about not making the most optimal amount of money.
THIS, I know for a fact the only group I've seen actually get tired of bins and try to get others to do crime as a community were occult. So props to them for actually doing something about it rather than complaining about not making the most optimal amount of money.
Pretty sure the Lost and Firm never got on it either. They have regularly been handing out opportunities for people to do 'other' work.
I'd also suggest to those who want to see more crim RP, why not just go and help create it? If the pay-out isn't an issue and you value RP over money, then it's proven by the RP.
Yes money isn't the issue but there is no risk when doing bins jobs..... you have nothing to lose and get loads of money!
I think saying remove it is a bit drastic, why remove a feature that people enjoy? Maybe suggest reducing the payouts a little, but removing it is crazy.
yeah removing them might be too much but do you not see how badly bins have changed the servers meta?
L take.

Remove a cool job because it's unbalanced and crims have nothing to do?

Maybe balance it and give crims things to do instead of removing stuff.
Yeah it might be cool but put it this way.... someone has worked for months and months to get a item! and then bins come along... 3 days of working on them and they have the same thing that took you months....

personally it shouldn't be like that and everyone doing bins to make there money is boring and wrong!
Yes money isn't the issue but there is no risk when doing bins jobs..... you have nothing to lose and get loads of money!
I understand this. However, if the community at least tries to push for the roleplay to happen that is lacking then it has a potential to bring that which is lacking to life.

In turn, it may have a knock on effect that people will start to do bins before moving onto valuing roleplay over income.

If people only care about the meta, rather than the roleplay, that says what it does about the individuals still grinding, unless they make it a roleplay decision to be legal bin-men/women.

I'd say as well as pointing out an issue, we can try to rectify it ourselves and have some fun with providing the RP, rather than waiting to be spoon-fed everything.
The bins aren't the issue in my eyes, it's people that are grinding, the people grinding bins still when it's been nerfed are the same people that were grinding taxi before, that were grinding fuel devilvery's for ron before, when drugs came in everyone sold drugs, when taxi came in everyone did taxi, etc etc, it's the newest job around so it will be noticed the most.

I've earned around 800k from the bin's since it went up, that's because I could have grinded it all i want, but why? So I can buy everything emedially and get bored? My character is not a binlady and neither is anyone else's character when they come into the city (count out that 1 random person that's a binman irl) Everyone decided themselves to do bins 4 hours in a day, why blame the system?

what we need is more mafia family's, not just a gang group, like luchetti's is the perfect spot as a legal front business and is the perfect location for an italian maffia family to operate from, the arcade has a huge potentional for the business side still but you rarely if never see any events be held there or the arcade be operated as it should, these are places where a lot of criminal business rp could be provided.

You can already see it with the triads where they are creating a lot of rp situations we don't see often, no new items/jobs needed, just mere creativity.

If you want to make the drugs worth more but the dev's can't add new stuff yet you can make a trippy hallucination gif, pop that on a picture and sell that alongside the drugs, people will get the drugs and a new experience, you can sell them along a bottle of paracetemol from the pharmacy to make them pass out a bit. get creative with it, If we are not trying to add anything to the drugs experience the dev's won't see a need to change/add anything to it. that way you can charge people more as if you want to create drugs rp, selling to locals will give you about 2% rp.

But that's my opinion.

I understand this. However, if the community at least tries to push for the roleplay to happen that is lacking then it has a potential to bring that which is lacking to life.

In turn, it may have a knock on effect that people will start to do bins before moving onto valuing roleplay over income.

If people only care about the meta, rather than the roleplay, that says what it does about the individuals still grinding, unless they make it a roleplay decision to be legal bin-men/women.

I'd say as well as pointing out an issue, we can try to rectify it ourselves and have some fun with providing the RP, rather than waiting to be spoon-fed everything.
I don't disagree with what you have said but its got to the point where people have what they want and don't want to do anymore work? that's the problem! and if people do need money they go on the bins! i use to tip people all the time when I interacted with them e.g at tire nutz or ae! the depth of RP people went to was amazing and made it so much better than "uses mech kit/Body kit" but people use /me's and make it a job not a 5 second smash and dash!

its not just crims btw! its effected a lot of rp IMO
I mean you can say doing bins is boring, but selling drugs for hours on end is just as mind numbing. God forbid coalition hill was as popular now as it was last year. You'd have 10-15 people rinsing set sof cars for literally hours and hours. It's more so, people want all the profits with no way to lose money. Bins is decent but you know not as tedious as selling coke or weed. Mentality changes, and opinion changes.

As they say it's not the destination that you want, it's not even the journey it's who you become on the journey.

People have had everything on the server they could possibly want, I mean look at the two powerhouses, the Lost and the Firm, I'm sure they get bored but what do they do they roleplay their characters and try to make a change. I think people are taking the game way too seriously it's been a thing for years and we all need to take a step back realise that maybe we're part of the problem and better yourself first, then tell others the same. I've done it and maybe you need to too. (Not you specifically jack :ROFLMAO:)
I see where your coming from but for me no. It’s a game at the end of the day one where you need money for weapons, cars, raffles etc.. people are gonna want money and as it’s a game there gonna want the easiest money that being bins.

For me I’d kind of flip it money shouldn’t be as needed as you say it’s an rp server what does one gain from hours of bins well nothing but it’s almost a necessity to have cash.
The bins aren't the issue in my eyes, it's people that are grinding, the people grinding bins still when it's been nerfed are the same people that were grinding taxi before, that were grinding fuel devilvery's for ron before, when drugs came in everyone sold drugs, when taxi came in everyone did taxi, etc etc, it's the newest job around so it will be noticed the most.

I've earned around 800k from the bin's since it went up, that's because I could have grinded it all i want, but why? So I can buy everything emedially and get bored? My character is not a binlady and neither is anyone else's character when they come into the city (count out that 1 random person that's a binman irl) Everyone decided themselves to do bins 4 hours in a day, why blame the system?

what we need is more mafia family's, not just a gang group, like luchetti's is the perfect spot as a legal front business and is the perfect location for an italian maffia family to operate from, the arcade has a huge potentional for the business side still but you rarely if never see any events be held there or the arcade be operated as it should, these are places where a lot of criminal business rp could be provided.

You can already see it with the triads where they are creating a lot of rp situations we don't see often, no new items/jobs needed, just mere creativity.

If you want to make the drugs worth more but the dev's can't add new stuff yet you can make a trippy hallucination gif, pop that on a picture and sell that alongside the drugs, people will get the drugs and a new experience, you can sell them along a bottle of paracetemol from the pharmacy to make them pass out a bit. get creative with it, If we are not trying to add anything to the drugs experience the dev's won't see a need to change/add anything to it. that way you can charge people more as if you want to create drugs rp, selling to locals will give you about 2% rp.

But that's my opinion.
